KHOODEELAAR! is the grassroots voice of that anger that the people of the East End feel at the prospect of the Crossrail planned hole right through the moist deprioved part of the inner city London. Transport Secretary Alistair Darling ahs been told today to stop the Crossrail hole plan altogether without delay.
Dear Alistair,
Thank you for your Departmental reply I accessed a minute ago today [1700 hrs GMT Friday 10 February 2006].
if you are to be treated as credible in your response - and equally importantly, if the local community is to be expected to treat with any credibility the clams to the effect that the tower hamlets council has been representing the community’s opposition to the crossrail hole plan-scheme bill truthfully, entirely and adequately to your department and to the houses of parliament then you must let me have the evidence to support any suggestion that tower hamlets council has been telling the truth, and nothing but the truth about the matter.
You will recall my questions to you as far back as the first quarter of 2004.
Those have been copied to Gordon Brown as they have been to Tony Blair as well.
Your DEPARTMENT will also have on their files my letters since the first quarter of 2004 which have been mainly to demand from your DEPARTMENT unequivocal and unadulterated evidence to support every single claim that your DEPARTMENT has relayed to me on behalf of or about the role of the controlling elements in the London borough of tower hamlets council.
I have also stressed in more than one of my communicatons and interrogatives to you the fact that you are a lawyer. I have done that for a very good constitutional reason. I have done that to draw your attention to the constitutional duty that you have to tell the truth about your own role in office.
That role in so far as it relates to the promotion of the crassly conceived CROSSRAIL hole attacks on the BRICK LANE LONDON E1 area is a role you must reflect on very carefully whether or not you take another 3 weeks before responding to this communication.
I have earlier today published on the khoodeelaar! Website

the first parts of my own critique of the elements that in my knowledge have sunk the LABOUR PARTY POLITICALLY IN THE EAST END OF LONDON.
I have started to publish my thoughts in the context of the mounting evidence which I see before me.
That evidence has been sufficient for me to say that unless the crossrail hole attacks on the east end are halted and withdrawn from the crossrail bill without any further delay, the labour party will be dealt another democratic rebuff in tower hamlets in the scheduled may elections.
I am not convinced that the elements that have brought the EAST END borough to the CROSSRAIL-HOLE CRISIS are at all bothered about the welfare of the people in the borough.
Are you bothered about the people in TOWER HAMLETS, ALISTAIR?
If you are then you must show by your action that you really are.
You must let me have the answers to the questions which I have been putting to Christine Gilbert, the CHIEF EXECUTIVE IN TOWER HAMLETS COUNCIL. You must get me the answers from the controlling clique of councillors on TOWER HAMLETS council whom I have been asking questions about every conceivable constitutional aspect of their clandestine collusion with the calamitous crossrail hole plan.
Yours sincerely
Muhammad Haque
And organiser
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