London Indymedia


respect | 09.02.2006 13:13 | Culture | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | London

Wow, what a privilege for those scruffy anarchist types, gorgeous George is bringing his Big Brother TV experience to the rampART social centre tonight (thursday 9th)....

We are please to announce an exclusive appearance by celebrity politician George Galloway at the rampART social centre tonight at part of a special BIG BROTHER night of reality TV, faux news, doublespeak and politricks.

All welcome, RESPECT!!

Venue: 15 rampart street, London E1 2LA (
Time: 8pm
Price: FREE



Addition- video of georges big brother intro at the rampart

10.02.2006 12:11

for those who couldn't make it...



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We should go along and pie the idiot

09.02.2006 14:26

What's this? Pussy george, sensing his fall from grace in the house, is now turning to anarchist squats as the only people who will have him? Ha, lets go and evict him!


Lead up the garden path by

09.02.2006 15:07

So-called anarchists giving a platform to Galloway PART OF BLAIRS INNER CIRCLE. He has a very important job to do. The Iraq War generated the greatest protest ever seen in the UK. It showed Blair the 'scale' of his problem. Basically, Blair conclude that he had TWO main problems. One- without safe control to render it ineffective, a anti-war movement could threaten Blair, and change the face of UK politics.
Two- anti-war feeling would make it VERY hard for Blair to win the next election as the anti-war movement, left unchecked, might become a full blown political party, possible gaining the support of disaffected Liberals, suspicious at why their leader was perpetually so ineffective, regardless of Blair's increasing weaknesses. Blair had ONE GOAL- there MUST NOT be a unified anti-war party that stood in every seat at the next election. Another impossible goal, given the size of the anti-war protest.

Hey, now we are back at Mr Galloway. Galloway was chosen for a new, bigger purpose. Galloway was carefully slandered with crude childish fake evidence- evidence SO FAKE that even the simplest reader of The Sun could see how phoney it was. It was trusted that most people would fail to ask why the Billions of Pounds funded security services would produced such incompetent work!!! Galloway would use his Righteous Indignation to form RESPECT, the mother of all distraction political movements. RESPECT had two goals. First, to tie the anti-war movement to so-called muslim extremism in the UK, and thus limit its appeal to 'normal' brits. Secondly, to use the muslim excuse to ONLY stand for election in particular muslim areas of the UK, achieving Blair's main goal of NO NATIONAL CAMPAIGN FOR AN ANTI-WAR PARTY.

Today, with the anti-war movement in ruins, Galloway serves a new purpose, to RIDICULE and DEMORALISE those who remain. Galloway's job is to 'steer into the skid'- by which I mean, he states a sentiment that many many people believe, takes control of it, moving that group of people into a safer place with respect to Blair's goals and purposes. It works at a psychological level. People are so flattered that a PUBLIC PERSONALITY is prepared to say publically the ideas in which they believe, but that other public figures repudiate, that they may well give him a leadership role. Even without a leadership role, another mechanism kicks in. If Galloway says most of the things that people believe, Galloway may become accepted as an oracle of the truth, and those things he refuses to say become those things that are obviously false.

IN OTHER WORDS. Blair and his people identify the collection of beliefs that a certain 'dangerous' group of anti-war people ALREADY subscribe to. Galloway is then made to express these same ideas, to gain the trust of the group. Having gained the trust, Galloway will then attempt to steer the group, as much as possible, to positions that do Blair the least harm in the future.

The big brother appearance made him and those that support him look STUPID and the timing WITH WAR ON IRAN COMING UP IN JUST WEEKS is no coincidence. Likewise, the appearance at London's longest running anarchist social centre will FURTHER DAMAGE WHAT REMAINS OF THE ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT, just when it needs to pull it's act together.

Those people at the rampART who arranged this Galloway appearance are either FOOLISH TO THE EXTREME or infiltrators. I'd bet that the later is the case.


Give your respect

09.02.2006 15:35

twilight is a disinfo troll and I have told him before that there is no hope for the world with conspiracy theories like 'Galloway is part of Blars inner circle'

George Galloway is a principled socialist who appeared on Big Brother to speak for 1000's who are not heard. If only some of the other so called left MP's would debase themselves in the way George has done for the cause. If one man can do so much just think what 30 or 40 more politicians in leotards could do for working people and progressive campaigns? But of course there are always those that can only work with themselves and see the world as some sort of conspiracy. Keep taking the tablets twilight.

I'm going to go hear George speak at the rampart tonight. He is always a brilliant speaker and I for one think it is great that the anarchists at the rampart are giving George the respect he deserves.


the mindless cult of CELEBRITY, or saving your future

10.02.2006 01:10

I didn't post the comment above, although certain parts of it are my words (to the best of my memory) from one or more comments in the past. I'm not interested in saying more on that matter, since I like the "freedom to post" system that Indymedia uses here, and that system has obvious consequences.

However, I will take the time to respond to 'Neil'. You make the clear statement that unless you can trust self-appointed leaders with a history of zero success, a cause is lost? This represents a logic unlike any known in the history of Human Thought.

The ONLY quality a person like Galloway has, even if foolishly taken at face value, is CELEBRITY. Now, I don't begrudge people watching shows like "Coronation Street" or "Eastenders", or listening to the latest boy or girl bands. I certainly don't mind people spending HOURS reading about the actors and singers, and 'cooing' over their lifestyles. However, when people like 'Neil' take this trivial and insignificant aspect of pop culture, and apply it to life-or-death politics, well if people choose to follow his example, we are truly screwed (so YES, we are truly screwed).

The most terrifying leaders to those in power, are those that arise from the ranks of normal people in times of trouble. Career politicians are UTTERLY UTTERLY UTTERLY worthless. However, career politicians ARE famous, and the SHEEP have been well conditioned to respond to 'fame'.

One sad observation I am forced to make is that for far too many, causes like 'anti-war' are nothing more than a 'trainspotting' hobby- a lifestyle choice that is NEVER intending to seek victory. I shouldn't be surprised, because how many addicts to CELEBRITY really have the imagination to understand what a World War will be like. Sitting in the same room as 'George' is important, and real, and fun. Sitting in a darkened room imagining yourself to be that women in Fallujah watching as Blair's death squad bursts into her house, butchering her sons and her husband at the kitchen table is not as appealing as a trip to the boozer, and another dose of soap opera pap.

Of course, its happened before (many many times before actually). Humans dying in wars, and at that moment of unbelieveable pain and fatal damage, the thought "why the hell did I ever agree to go along with this?".

Had the people of early Nazi germany discarded their own 'Galloway's' , and instead projected as a population, "we do not want to murder and be murdered in the name of Hitler", Hitler would have been finished before he started. Hitler KNEW how to deal with the career politicians around him. His power, however, came from the passive consent of his people. The same people that were to see their major cities destroyed totally, with millions of them dead, 12 years later.

OUR World War will not end with city extermination warfare, but will begin there and grow increasingly worse. Against this, those of you that think your 'train-spotting' hobby is not complete without at least ONE personal sighting of the 'Galloway' make me want to throw up. Grow up, and understand that this life and this World is WORTH fighting for. One way or another, you ARE going to end up fighting, and the odds are that for most of you, that means fighting as cannon-fodder in one of Blair's coming wars.


George was brilliant

11.02.2006 02:22

Despite my reservations the RAMPART BIG BROTHER EVENT turned out to be a deeply moving evening with no less than THREE celebrity George's!

The evening started with the beautifully cut 'JOIN THE REVOLUTION - FALL IN LOVE' from
Very stylish and quite different from the usual ACTIVIST OFFERINGS. It's based on text from Crimethinc 'Days of War, Nights of Love' which was sweet but hardly revolutionary. The problem with CrimethInc is not their spirit of UNFETTERED ROMANTCISM and irreverent passion (we can’t get enough of that) but the unbearable lightness and depthlessness of their philosophy and praxis. In their haste to embrace wild abandon and “live as the subject rather than the object of history" they beat their wings frantically like Icarus toward the sun, hopelessly flawed. Their wings of desire, born of a rich tapestry of radical Situationist and anarchist discourses, are employed inappropriately for their INDIVIDUALIST AND EGOTISTICAL project.

The reasoning behind the choice of the film was lost on me at first - although it did explain the reference to EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT in the title of this newswire post. If Blairs new reich gets it's way, watching this kind of thing with CONSENTING ADULTS will probably result in a trip to room 101!

The overly long documentary ORWELL ROLLS IN HIS GRAVE is a well done film that presents the Orwellian notions of "doublespeak," "big brother" and "the endless war" in a contemporary context of the BUSH BLAIR NEW WORLD ORDER. Ironically, its message of corporate media control and the loss of free speech will never get any exposure. The film is critical of the very companies it needs for effective distribution. Anyone who has been following my critique of BIG BLAIR AND HIS INNER PARTY will agree with the films strap line '1984 is no longer a date in the future'

Before the feature film of the evening, the 1984 film version of Orwells classic, we finally got the George Galloway 'presentation' - a colorful montage of CCTV footage and extracts taken from Channel 4 Big Brother TV series with george embarrassing himself in a leotard and acting like a cat. Accompanying the video was soundtrack made up of the big brother TV theme tune cut with audio from the David Niven radio version of 1984 and the voice of George Galloway. The video ended with a spoken introduction to 1984 dubbed over footage of Galloway in an interview.

Then it was into the dark and disturbing world of THE PARTY and the relevance of the initial film became clear. There was an eery quite in the rooms as the audience of about 40 people were drawn into the film - a stark contrast to the constant stream of people getting up to go the the toilet during the preceding documentary. I stand by my insistence that Brazil is the true film version of the book but nether-the-less this film still provided a powerful portrayal of Orwells vision and I suspect that nobody in the audience could escape making comparisons between BLAIRS WAR ON TERROR and the big brothers ENDLESS WAR.

So, RESPECT to Orwell and none for Galloway.


Nude Arundhati Roy photos

11.02.2006 20:42

Inspired by Galloways selfless attempt to take serious issues to a wider audience, Arundhati Roy is doing a Playboy photo shoot, giving a hundredth of the fee to charity.

There is a joke in Amsterdam about the preponderance of stolen bicycles. If you want a bike then just wait until a group of cyclists goes by and then shout out 'Hey - that's my bike', someone will get off one and apologise for stealing it ( or more likely buying it from a thief at Junkie Bridge ).

So it is with the SWP infiltators. Just say turn up at any 'autonomous' social centre and say ' Hey - I met you at an SWP meeting once'. Half of them will say 'Oh, yeah I used to be a member but...'

So rampART are just another SWP front trying to persuade libertarians to follow a party line. Also interesting to note how indymedia cuts all criticism of Galloway, and how many of their volunteers 'used to' be members of certain political parties. The 'indy' of indymedia must stand for 'indefatigable'.

Since the powers that be select for obedience, those who oppose power do not face a problem encouraging 'respect'. Anarchists have to relearn how to disrespect. Remember, fascism couldn't have defeated free Spain without the 'Socialists' help, and 'Homage To Catalonia' seems more apt to this meeting than '1984'.


Stupid people

12.02.2006 06:18

Is it just me or are there more stupid people on indymedia than in the real world?

George Galloway wasn't at the rampart, it was a piss take!

I know that some people have no sense of humor and other's simply can't be bothered to read every word in an article before firing off their comments but it is rather tedious to see so many bullshit accusations from people who clearly have know nothing.

Respect has nothing to do with the rampart and their canvassers got an earful when they came down the street prior to the general election.

The SWP have nothing to do with the rampart and none of the people running the rampart have ever had anything to do with the SWP

on indymedia

God this is depressing..

12.02.2006 08:05

I mean, you all sound relatively well read yet you're spouting such paranoid rubbish.. it's no wonder the 'left' and the UK peace movement have so much trouble getting it together, y'all so damn paranoid.. I mean if U think the crew at rampART are spooks or undercover SWP subversives then go there.. if you still think so when you come out let me know and I'll arrange an appointment with the men in white coats.

It's time we stopped this divisive bickering and bitching, if you're coming with that attitude you may as well be double-agents yourselves, you're doing the same amount of harm. And if you find it hard not to be so suspicious of everything try smoking a little less weed.. hippies!


piss takers

13.02.2006 14:28

"no sense of humor and other's simply can't be bothered to read every word in an article"
Which words in that article indicate a humorous piss-take ? Sure, on a website that doesn't allow party political posts then it wouldn't be worth mentioning, but on the newswire at this moment there are four posts starting 'George Galloway MP' - are they all piss-takes too ? What about the Green party posts here, just piss-takes ? And the word 'revolution' in your poster, that was presumably meant ironically. Oh, the joys of post-modern satire. By the way, Arundhati Roy hasn't done a nude photo shoot.

"The SWP have nothing to do with the rampart and none of the people running the rampart have ever had anything to do with the SWP"
Just as well I asked then since that isn't as apparent as you seem to think.

"it's no wonder the 'left' and the UK peace movement have so much trouble getting it together, y'all so damn paranoid.."
So you don't regard yourself as part of the peace movement ?

>if you're coming with that attitude you may as well be double-agents yourselves, you're doing the same amount of harm.
Bull. I disrespectfully challenged your mates dodgy poster and you defended them. If you think that is harmful or out of order then you really would be better off in the $WP.

>And if you find it hard not to be so suspicious of everything try smoking a little less weed.. hippies!
You know, in a country with hundreds of thousands of Stasi, and a long and ongoing history of political parties and cults subverting autonomous groups, I do get suspicious of people telling me to be less paranoid. And as for the 'hippies' smear - well, enjoy your screen-printing workshop with your piss-taking 'crew'.


Don't be paranoid ? Don't be daft

13.02.2006 19:19

Never trust people who tell you you are being paranoid, there are three possibilities why they would. Either they aren't smart enough to be trustworthy, or they aren't enough of a threat to have merited infiltration, or (as likely) they are indeed infiltrators. As far as these rampArty screen-printing workshop-attending, not-part-of-the-peace-movement piss-takers are concerned, I suspect the second reason. Social centres are for socialising not working. Nothing wrong with that if you work hard too, but too many lonely people pose as activists to boost their own social life /sex appeal, and too few to build working partnerships or commit to real self-sacrificial action.

'Lawful interception' firm tapping into Europe, Asia Pacific

The technology can do a lot and you won’t hear clicks on the line...“The widespread use of VoIP services such as Skype creates interesting challenges for law enforcement agencies. Potentially, it could drive whether services are legal or not in particular countries, or how they are delivered,”..Haar said warrants are tightly controlled, but he concedes that practices such as warrantless wiretapping in the US, to say nothing of signals intelligence agencies such as the NSA, mean this is only part of the picture."Service providers have a process for dealing for warrants. What carriers do outside of lawful interception has nothing to do with SS8," he said. Haar condemned the recently exposed US firms who sell call records to private detectives. “This information exists within network devices and in billing systems. I’m shocked that data brokers are able to sell it,” he said.



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