8.45 AM Downing Street Tuesday 7th February [more details on this follow below]
[the reasoning behind this action is as follows: the British government talks about national security a great deal, but its actions tell a very different story. From joining up with the belligerent US in Iraq to its ongoing support of a global economic system that tends to favour the rich and marginalise the poor, it has consistently increased rather than decreased, the chances of further terrorist attacks. Therefore, as suggested by the very taskforce set up by the government in the wake of the bombings, some of us want to see an open-ended enquiry into the meta-reasons behind the London bombings, so as to stimulate a broad public debate about British foreign policy, the state of western society and other drivers of terrorist atrocities. Let's make sure those deaths were not in vain..
777 Memorial Service
8.45 AM Tuesday 7th February, Downing Street
This Tuesday 7th February will be 7 months to the day since the 7/7 London bombings. To commemorate this, and to request an open-ended public enquiry [into the wider context behind, and the overall police and intelligence handling of the bombings] there will be a non-denominational Memorial Service held outside Downing Street on the morning of the 7th February at the same time as the attacks took place, involving a ringing of bells and a reading of names of all those who died that day.
If you want to, bring placards bearing the words 7/7 Enquiry. Otherwise just come as you are. There is a risk of arrest at this action for unauthorised demonstration, but the police have recently been telling us that even if we are wearing placards, if we keep moving then we do not constitute a 'demonstration', so we suggest that if you don't want to be arrested, either don't bring a placard or endeavour to keep moving during the event. Of course the police may change their working definition of a demonstration and so none of this guarantees that you will not be arrested.
Meet at 8.45 AM Tuesday 7th February outside Downing Street for a 9AM start.
For more info: call 0785 439 0408