Independent Media Transcript 15 January 2006
Special message to our friends
Musicians and Dj's
How can you assist the QuickTime Report?
Any independent musicians or DJ's that want to help a worthy cause, with recognition? Of helping a worthy cause of course!
I need independent music from a variety of home grown artists and styles must be your own music.
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The QuickTime Team
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Easter Convergence 2006 at Villawood Detention Centre
Reporter: Solidarity Syd Indy 14/1/06
Activists and ordinary Australian will, this Easter (April 14-17) be converging on the Villawood Detention Centre in southwest Sydney to voice opposition to the Howard government's ongoing despicable treatment of refugees.

Refugee Actions Groups can be found at the following links.

Stop the UN's Plans for a New Massacre in Haiti
UK Indy 13/1/06
Reports from Aaron Lakoff and Leslie Bragg on the situation in Haiti in the run up to the Elections.
Urgent Action Alert from the Haiti Action Committee As UN's Brazilian commander is found shot dead on his hotel balcony…New UN massacres in Cite Soleil could come any day now. Be on the alert. The situation in Haiti is dangerous and moving fast. There is the realistic fear that a repeat of the massacre which left 23 dead in July 2005 is imminent.

background on the UN Massacre

Read a report from political prisoner So Anne Auguste, a Haitian folk singer imprisoned since the UN Massacres July 05.

Listen to an audio report from Cite Soley of relatives of people murdered this week by the Ministuh.

Both Liberals and Conservatives Support an Aggressive Military Policy
Reporter: BC Indy 8/1/06
By Steven Staples - Polaris Institute
Both the Conservatives and the Liberals are pushing Canada to build an offensive American-style military and an aggressive foreign policy. The major political parties need to know that a majority of Canadians oppose wars like the U.S. invasion of Iraq. It's vital that you take action right now and Put it to the Politicians. If you don't, the political parties and the media will continue to push the line that Canadians support an offensive U.S.-style military and an aggressive foreign policy.

Chinese Consulate Refuses WTO Solidarity Letter
Reporter: Yo Mama Houston Indy 9/1/06
Update: Today the Hong Kong 14 went to court today, January 11th and 11 of them had their charges dropped. 3 still face charges, read more

Members of Houston ABC and other concerned Houstonians visted the Chinese Consulate in Montrose, on Monday January 9th, 2006 as part of an international day of protest to support the "Hong Kong 14".

They attempted to deliver a letter to state their concern about the charges activists are facing in Hong Kong after the recent World Trade Organization ministerial and ask that this letter be faxed to Donald Tsang, the head administrator of Hong Kong. After trying to use the visitor entrance to the consulate, where through a speaker, they were denied entrance, these activists went to the visa office to ask to speak with someone. All attempts to deliver this letter were stymied by a confusing mess of refusal on the part of workers who identified themselves only as "general staff", refusing to give their names. Activists were told that the consul was out of town, but not for how long. The general staff stated the need to make an appointment, but they would not make one, or allow the activists to see or talk to anyone that would make an appointment. Eventually, one staff member called the police, who were waiting outside for the activists when they left the building. After police took everyone's information, the activists were allowed to leave. The general staffers agreed to call the Houston ABC to schedule a meeting, and the activists vowed to return in greater numbers if the Chinese Consulate does not schedule a meeting or if the situation of the Hong Kong 14 does not improve.

Aussie flag burner sentenced to three months
by Me Old Mate 12/1/06
January 12, 2006 A Sydney man who helped burn an Australian flag following the violence of the Cronulla race riots has been sentenced to three months in jail...
Hadi Khawaja, 24, of Peakhurst, faced Sutherland Local Court today charged with malicious damage and entering enclosed lands with intent to commit an indictable offence during public unrest.

3 months jail for burning Australian Flag

Melb Indy 13/106 06
What a grossly over-the-top sentence for burning a piece of material.
It will be interesting to see if any of the race-rioters who assaulted the flesh-and-blood of random people of Middle Eastern appearance (or brown skin) get a harsher sentence.
I don't hold out much hope. Violent racists were given bail whilst flag-burners were denied the same.
Three months is crazy for damage to a piece of cloth. Although, it has much sentimental value to allot of people it can be easily replaced. The trauma and injuries inflicted on the race-riot victims and the whole Lebanese/Muslim/Arab community/wider community will not so easily be erased.

The class issues behind Australia's race riots

The process of transformation

Laws against Muslim scapegoating

Thousands march against racism

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The QUICKTIME REPORT 11 January 2006
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The QUICKTIME REPORT 6 January 2006
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