The item we published on this site in the KHOODEELAAR breaking news edition at 0110 Hrs GMT on 13 December 2005 was taken from a pro-Crossrail hole Bill organisation. We carried it to show the facts of how the pro-Crossrail hole Bill lobby were active in the promotion of the hole Bill.
They are alert and are vigilantly pressing the Blair regime to make more public cash available for the Crossrail hole venture that will enable the city of London interests to reap the harvest of public dosh in the constriction and building bonanza they expect the hole Bill to unleash when that Bill is made into an Act of Parliament.
As the City of London interests crave the loot, the community in the Brick Lane London E1 Area faces destruction.
We aim to make sure that the hole attacks the Crossrail Bill will make on the community are exposed for all to see.
We aim to defend the community and to undermine the promotion of the Crossrail hole Bill.
We are aware that the majority of the so-called objections to the Crossrail, hole Bill are petty and are not at all AGAINST the Crossrail plan.
The majority of the so-called objectors are supporters of the Crossrail plan.
Those objectors do not belong in the community.
They do not belong with the community
They do not care about the community.
We aim to draw maximum attention to the violation of one of the most diverse, positive human resources that is the Brick Lane London e1 area. It has emerged as a triumph of human resistance against exploitation and greed. It has done so in stages and gradually over the past three hundred years in the Brick Lane London e1 Area.
Defend the Brick Lane London E1 Area.
Say no to Crossrail hole Bill attacks provisions that will destroy the community in the Brick Lane London E1 Area
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