Malet Street. Tube: Russell Sq, Goodge St, Euston Sq

This cannot go on unchallenged, people should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people. An organised anarchist response to this situation has the potential to alter the balance of power long after the last car stops burning, we must create a real state of emergency and destroy this authoritarianism. With organisation, defiance, and open resistance we always win.
This is an invitation for an open dialogue between all anarchists and anti-authoritarians to discuss how we resist the authoritarianism of the state in our day to day lives, in our local communities, and on an international level. We need to co-ordinate our activities and actions, and work together to start creating a world we desire, and destroy the one the rich have engineered.
The agenda for the meeting is open for all to contribute to, please email agenda proposals to