No Sweat/Students Against Sweatshops conference
12-6pm, Saturday 26 November
School of Oriental and African Studies, Thornaugh Street (off Russell Sq) nr. Euston
12.15 - 12.45 - Opening plenary
Trade Justice, workers rights
Billy Hayes (CWU), Mick Duncan (No Sweat), Euripredes Yance (Colombian Coke worker, Sinaltrainal)
1.30 - 2.40 - Workshops (1)
Main hall: Bolivian Gas Wars, speaker from Bolivia Solidarity Campaign plus film, 'Basta!'
Mtg Rm 1: Debate on Venezuela: "Chavez, friend or foe of Venezuelan
workers?" Paul Hampton (No Sweat) and Rob Sewell (Hands off Venezuela)
Mtg Rm 2: Africa after the G8: Explo Nani Kofi, Saikou Samateh plus WDM on
water privatisation
2.50 - 4.00 Workshops (2)
Main hall: Section of Naomi Klein's new film, The Take, on Argentina after 2001. Plus Alejandra Crosta from the Argentina Solidarity Campaign
Mtg Rm 1: The practices of the supermarket chains. Focus on Wal Mart and Tesco. War on Want and Tescopoly
Mtg Rm 2: Organising migrant workers: Justice for Janitors organiser, Valery Alzaga (SEIU, US), and a TGWU steward
4.10 - 5.10 - Workshops (3)
Sweatshop practices of the Arcadia group. Martin Hearson (Labour Behind the Label)
Mtg Rm 1: Students: organising session for campus week of action (11-18 Feb 06), Living wage campaign on campuses. Dan Randall, P&P plus Matt Bolton from TELCO/London Citizens
Mtg Rm 2: debate on the G8 mobilisations and after: where now for activists? discussion with Martin Ohr (No Sweat), The Wombles and others
5.20 - 5.40 - Closing plenary
Main hall: Workers in Middle East: Yahaya al Alfaifi (Saudi Trade Unionist), and Houzan Mahmood (Iraqi Federation of Workers' Councils)
Followed by a fundraising social.
Book tickets on line here:

Or ring 07904 431 959