London Indymedia

Ministers back GM maize...

pirate | 29.10.2005 15:27 | Bio-technology | Ecology | Technology | London | World

Gov ministers have approved the use of GM maize in the UK
sneaked it thru the arrogant b*****d's...

This snippet is in The Independent. today (Oct 29th).

Ministers back GM Maize.

Minsters have agreed to go ahead with the use of GM Maize without waiting for parliament to discuss it, in spite of assurances that MP's would debate the issue first. Caroline Fl8int, the junior health minister, said is was authorised owing to a technicality in the EU and the summer recess of parliament.

(That's all report says, no doubt FoE and others will jump on this Monday)

In the meantime--- Just how much more arrogant can you get !- This is the thin end of the wedge...



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GM, money and weapons

29.10.2005 18:56

Ministers don't give a damn about GM maize one way or the other. What they do care about is the vast amount of bio-tech money that flows into their pockets. Go check any period of Western History, and what drives politics is the corrupt money that the powerful business interests of the day use to pay off politicians.

REMEMBER, insider trading is NEVER a crime when the shares are owned by politicians.

Of course, the big laugh for all of us is that we have already had one taste of what happens when this science goes wrong- AIDS. Of course, AIDS didn't even need the sophistication of genetic engineering, being a consequence of constructing new 'medicines' from species close enough to man to move viruses previously ONLY found in that species. In the case of AIDS, witness the consequences of making an oral polio vaccine from the wrong kind of primate.

What few realise is that chemistry, and thus biology, is all about the likelyhood of chemical reactions given the energy required to make that reaction happen. GM technology is deady precisely because human intellect is used to overcome incredibly small probabilities. Evolution is all about the tyranny of the likely. GM is thus entirely counter-evolutionary because it takes the impossibly improbable, and makes it happen, for the short term profit of a ruling elite.

Despite the pseudo-scientific crap you see on your Mass Media, human understanding of biology is near zero. Sadly, that DOES NOT prevent us from interfering in ways that CAN be as deadly as might be imagined.

Take the (ironically) near perfect analogy of computers, and the methods used to attack them. The worst so-called computer-virus has done almost ZERO damage against the actual potential for harm. A truly malicious attack- a destructive component hidden in an otherwise innocuous and useful program, with patience enough to wait for optimum spread, programmed to randomly alter a key percentage of all hard-drives on the computer, would wreak havoc. Each element of this nightmare HAS happened successfully- but thankfully no-one has been malicious enough to combine them. For those of you that think this cannot happen, it is theoretically impossible to make a connected system safe, if that system can run programs downloaded from the network, and those programs have access to the resources of the computer. Of course, this defines the set up of the vast majority of our computers.

We can unplug the network cable or wireless transmitter of a computer, but cannot do the same with ourselves.

Of course, GM and drug companies have spent billions paying off politicians and promoting the despicable racist garbage that black africans got AIDS via buggering chimps (I kid you not- that is the theory put forward by 'scientists' in the pay of such organisations- just like the US slavers had THEIR early 19th century scientists 'prove' that black africans were sub-human and designed to be slaves). Why? Because if it were widely accepted that the risk of GM were real, and that any mistake could cost millions of lives, we would all realise that this was one area of engineering we could all do without. That one thought would cost the ELITES literally TRILLIONS of pounds of lost profit. In many parts of the world, you can buy a human death for ten's of pounds. For TRILLIONS, the elites would sacrifice whole nations.

Sadly, genetic science is driven like nuclear science- by the desire to build 'better' weapons. Vast so-called civilian enterprises are often required when military science would otherwise be insanely expensive, and impossible to exclusively fund at the required level.

Earth's last smallpox supplies were almost destroyed until Blair promoted the widespread acceptance of weaponising viruses in parallel with searching for cures- you need both for obvious reasons, in order to use them as weapons. However, in the 21st century, research is also progressing in the design of ethnically targetted virus weapons, and time-out virus weapons (a virus that self-terminates after a number of re-production cycles. The 'terminator-gene' seeds that were mentioned on this site some days back are part of the program to find self destructing virus mechanisms, allowing a self-contained human population to be wiped about before the virus spread too far beyond them.

Please remember that the greater majority of so-called science actively promoted in the Mass Media (and that includes many supposed science publications) is paid-for propaganda. In reality it is little different from the promotion of 'flat earth' ideas by previous incarnations of the catholic church. That is not to say that it is true or not (although a truth machine would almost NEVER go off while watching garbage like BBC's 'horizon' for instance), but that it is there for reasons NOTHING to do with its veracity. Most scientists are bought and paid-for whores. The drug industry teaches the best lesson, where some companies without a product to their name have made billions in stock on the back of "promising" research.

It's all about the Benjamins, always has been, and always will be. Sometimes, it doesn't matter, and we benefit regardless. Othertimes, the Earth gets AIDS, or organised slavery, and tens of millions suffer and die in the most horrible way so some small bunch of bastards can get rich. We are the ones who will pay the price, so we are the ones to have the say. With respect to GM, the people of this planet has given a resounding NO!!!!! Any politician that denies our will should be hung for Crimes Against Humanity. However, THEY will never respect US unless we ever make good on our threats.

Blair has ABSOLUTE power in the UK with the stated support of only 2 in 10. His stated intent, and that of the political garbage that forms his NEW REICH party, is to push through their will without regard to the feelings or thoughts of the people of the UK. Then again, if we are happy to let this bunch of monsters have absolute power with near zero support, can we blame them for thinking of us as irrelevant, because that is exactly what we have made ourselves.


Twilight ?

30.10.2005 17:51

As it's Bayers GM maize that ministers are backing (back handers ?) we would be interested in hearing more on the article and less from theorecticals from Twilight.
yeah sure a lot of your twaddle is true but why be so generic ? Just check out Bayers history and you can add names dates and places to your piece which would then be far more interesting but hardly news, more suited to the history channel perhaps ..



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