Thus we have created a conference to try and remedy that (in a small way) where good ideas can bounce from both sides of the debate. This year's conference tries to fuse the aims of independent community/ co-operative groups in South East London that are aiming to realise the "Social Economy" in our area and "media-centric" groups which are trying to realise a means of networking the wide, disparate range of community groups. We shall examine what is happening in South East London, how community groups are using media (or not) to gain presence, how art/ media/ design could aid the social economy, demonstrating how the social economy is beneficial to the world of art/ media/ design, using real projects to demonstrate these points. The aim of the conference is to see how the two areas (Social Economy and Art/ Media/ Design) can aid one another in their aims/ goals and how media is being used in a constructive and positive manner. The conference will be accompanied by workshops that will give those wishing to start a projects practical advice on how to go about setting up and how to finance themselves.
We need knowledge, education and vision to take our ideas of a better society and transform them into reality. Armchair activism does little, but people who try and provide the infrastructure and facilities for an alternative, make our ideal accessible to everyone. As I once read in an piece by the NEF: "We must make the right way, the easier way".
This conference has been sponsored by Sanford Housing Co-operative, an independent housing co-op in New Cross. Self-relience and independence are IMPORTANT!
VENUE: Open Arts Platform, Old Seager Distillery, Deptford, London
DATE: Saturday, 29 October 2005
TIMES: 10am till 5pm