Two feeder marches headed towards parliament square where the main march was meeting - the demo ends up at hyde park for a rally.
Protests are also being held today in Washington, as well as in Glasgow and in Ireland.
wow a traffic cam thats working
whitehall while the march was gathering
Hide the following 10 comments
Numbers game already in play
24.09.2005 13:30
AP Pic
Washington DC Protests
24.09.2005 13:33
See also
two more webcam pics
24.09.2005 13:55
some are working
24.09.2005 15:39
Nothing at all on BBC's website.
Nice work.
24.09.2005 17:00
Now if I want to listen to this stuff, I can go and eat beans in a faeces encrusted field surrounded by middle-class hippies scrounging off daddy's trust-fund for all eternity. Unfortunatly, the majority of the 'people' are working hard in factories, schools, fire-stations, hospitals etc and subsequently have no time to frequent this chin-stroking, pot-smoking culture of yours. They watch the BBC - a fantastic institution, built around the basis of public-broadcasting. You see the concept is simple - you vote for the government who administers the BBC. If you have a clear argument against the way it is run you have every right to go out and try and convert people to your point of view. If it's strong enough - it will win. Remember Apartied? More importantly, remember what 'Independent Television' has devolved into!
Yours Peacefully,
Random Socialist.
Chill dude!
24.09.2005 17:45
Nice work
24.09.2005 17:53
Moaning is easy and quick. Writing an article takes time and effort.
You're the journalist here. So get writing, and quit leaving it to others to do for you.
Dear Random Socialist
24.09.2005 19:16
"Forgive me if I don't sound over-joyed with indymedia's sudden lacklustre approach to reporting."
- well the truth is that Indymedia often doesn't have brilliant reporting of STWC demonstrations. There was very in depth coverage of the early demos, right through to the bush visit to london (witness one of the best reported events ever on indymedia), but many of the more recent STWC demos haven't had that much coverage on indymedia - look back through the archives to see this.
The current demo in any case has lots of media coverage (esp yesterday - 5-6 pages in the independent for gods sake!) - and mostly accurate apart from the numbers issue - to see check the google news search:
"Indymedia is infact merely an online den for pseudo-anarchist types, built to convince themselves that everyone appreciates un-structured, more-bias-than-fox, grammaticaly bastardised pieces of tat that wouldn't be out of place in the reader-comments page of the Sun."
Erm yes obvioulsy, just look at the depth of material and reports from DSEi and the G8 Summit back in July - a mixture of protest pictures, background audio interviews, pdf reports from NGOs and other campaign groups, videos and so on - a very broad church. But ultimatly Indymedia is only as good as the people who volunteer their time, which means the quality goes up and down, often in waves. I personaly value it highly, but am, like many other people pissed off with the amount of crap and carping posted in the 'comments' facility.
Ho hum.
Right I'm off the read the Socliaist Worker, for another view of the world :-)
random reader
Point is Chris
25.09.2005 11:39
Conclusion: the "journalists" at the BBC are a bunch of spineless statist arselickers and you're so upset cos everyone can see this through indymedia.
Was nice to see the faces of the Britons murderous secial forces for a change.
Watch that ego, JJ !
29.09.2005 20:49