The Dissent network saw thousand of activists come together in July to create a mobilisation of opposition to the G8 and also the space in which our idea’s for future organisation were realised. Since the G8 there have been many discussions that have focused on the future of our network, our politics, and priorities. At the last gathering the overwhelming consensus was to maintain the Dissent network and this gathering will present the opportunity to solidify our plans and visions for the future.
In order to facilitate this process, The Matilda Collective would like to invite all autonomous groups and individuals interested in discussing the future of Dissent to attend the next National gathering in Sheffield on the Weekend of October 15th/16th.

The gathering will take place at Matilda Social Centre which was initially opened up as a the host for activists in Sheffield organising opposition to the G8 Justice Ministers Meeting in June 2005. Since then, the building is being used as a social space for the creative and practical ideas of those wanting to create alternatives.
Anticipated agenda items include: -
* Proposal for an action camp in the summer of 2006 targeting the real sources of climate chaos;
* The future of the Dissent Network! What are our priorities? How do we sustain momentum?
* How can we be most effective against the G8 in 2006/2007? (This includes discussion on the effectiveness of mass mobilisations).
If people would like to add points to be discussed people should email

There will be floor space for people to sleep so please bring a sleeping bag/camping mat/ blow up mattress. There are spaces available at people’s houses, but these will go priority for people with children and other needs. If you need alternative arrangements, please contact us at

Food will be provided by the Matilda Café and will be charged at £3.50 per day. All food will be vegan, but if you have any other special food requirements please email:

If you are coming to the gathering please let us know by emailing

Coming and Going:
All major coach and train services come to Sheffield. Matilda is 5 minutes walk from both Coach and Train station: The address is 111 Matilda Street. Specific directions can be given once places have been confirmed.
For coaches: National Express - Tel 0870 580 8080; website

For trains visit:

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