From the first moment it was clear these uniformed meatheads were out to intimidate; they all ran at the activists shouting as if a riot had kicked off. About eight cops charging two now stationary cyclists! A fat miserable-looking cop(U1755) immediately stood on the foot of one of the activists and tried its best to provoke a reaction.
So, predictably they were going to stop and search. But this time U1755 preceded to act the arsehole and pull apart the activists mobile phone, even trying to turn it on; looking through the contents of the activists digital camera; and checking the underside of the bike. All while rattling off supposedly intimidating remarks like - 'hope it rains and you all get wet'. It also asked for name, address, place of birth, suggested the bike was stolen, and suggested the activist was actually not British!
Which brings us to the most important point...meanwhile the other activist, not British but living here for years, was being stopped, searched and intimidated on the other side of the road hidden behind the van. The police suggested that they know 'knew' him/her and would recognise him/her at any protest and that he/she could be deported if he/she 'caused any trouble'!!!
So be advised:
it seems the police will employ such tactics during antiDSEi events, perhaps targeting foreigners to put them off attending any protest or taking any action.
they cannot 'have you deported'.
And you can complain (whether this is effective is arguable), and/or you can report such dubious tactics to the likes of Liberty. It is also generally useful to report on police tactics so make use of your local Indymedia newswire.
Know your rights.
Bust card:

In case you are arrested:

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