There are 10,000 copies of the paper which contains information about DSEi, the arms trade in general, the protests planned and motivations behind them. It is hoped that the paper will mitigate against bad feelings generated locally when disruption occures and that the paper will also encourage local people to get involved in the campaign.
London Action Resource Centre at 62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel. 020 7377 9088
The bulk of the distro should be door-to-door and will need some kind of co-ordinated approach to avoid people duplicating the same streets. The best way would probably to have a single person act as co-ordinator to ensure it goes smoothly but in the absence of such a person at this time I have produced a page on the wiki that people can add details of which areas and streets they plan to do or have done.
See the webpage

There is a public meeting about DSEi in stratford on the 5th and that would be a good place to collect papers from and meet other people who may offer to help distribute.
Please do get involved and help to get this paper out ASAP before DSEi and before it becomes expensive toilet paper.
A london activist minibus has been offered to help with distribution. Contact

07817 652029.
Hide the following 7 comments
ONLINE ? for people across the oceans
04.09.2005 23:15
It would have been better to produce 200,000 leaflets!
05.09.2005 09:43
Cost and criticism
05.09.2005 10:21
Personally however, I disagree with your reasoning. The papers carry far more information than can be squeezed onto a leaflet and I believe people are more likely to read them than a leaflet which can quickly be discarded as either advertising or propoganda. Of course the papers are propaganda - just as the mainstream newspaper are - however people do treat newspapers differently from other mediums.
Weight is not the problem in distributing, it is time and people. We could have printed addition copies of the paper at very little additional cost (just 35 pounds for each additional thousand) but the difficulty to finding enough people to to the work of going door to door. We have a vehicle to provide a mobile pick up point so weight really has nothing to do with it. I can not conceive of managing to delivery 200,000 leaflets which the current level of active participation.
As for cost, as far as I can make out without getting a proper quote, 200,000 papers would have cost something like 6,000 pounds. That´s a per unit cost of around 3.5 pence per paper. I don't doubt that an A5 flyer could be cheaper but not massively so and in terms of cost per column inch, newsprint is by far the most economical.
So, as I said, I don't agree that leaflets would have been preferable for door to door delivery, I don't agree that weight is the issue, I don't agree that print 200,000 would be a good idea (have you ever actually done leafleting or door to door delivery?) and I don't find your suggestion constructive. That said, please don't let me put you off producing leaflets, the more diverse our attempts to inform and mobilise people on this issue the better and I sure most people would agree that there has been a significant lack of leaflets and leafleting around DSEi this year.
Meanwhile, if anyone would prefer to help distribute the papers that have already been paid for and printed then please do form group with friends and take on a few streets. A group of four people should be able to manage over 1,000 papers in just three hours. Call DISARM DSEi or email print2paper AT gmail DOT com.
well done
05.09.2005 20:09
well done everyone involved.
its really good to hear that you got it together. its a cool idea.
newspapers whether spoofed or not are a really good way to reach people. i just wish more people were on it and producing them more often for national stuff like this and locally too.
colin m
editorial policy re people who suck satans shitty underpants?
06.09.2005 00:31
conclusion:- tosser
conclusion 2:- I have just wasted a few minutes responding to that shit.
what sort of activist then prickface?
A good read
07.09.2005 11:35
Blow me!
08.09.2005 10:23
east londoner