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[audio] Ex-MI5 officer on London bombings and the War on Terror

Adrian | 12.08.2005 13:24 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Terror War | London

Trained professional intelligence analyst David Shayler has some serious problems with the mainstream media's interpretation of the London bombings and the War on Terror. With his anti-war hat on he suggests some ways forward.

Tony Gosling interviews ex-MI5 officer David Shayler at the Big Green Gathering, amongst the lush Mendip Hills, on the 6th August 2005.

David talks about the inconsistencies with the official story of September 11th and the war on terror. He also speaks of issues that are bothering him regarding the bombings on 7/7/05 - including the eyewitness accounts suggesting bombs were under the tubes (see

Terror legislation and new laws are discussed and David gives his opinion on what the people should do to make their voices heard.


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ex-Mi5 officer has dark side

12.08.2005 14:52

The ex-officer to which you are refering did not leave Mi5 out of his free will, he had to escape to France after selling secrets to a Sunday newspaper, and he has served a prison sentence in the UK for that reason.
That ex-officer has a personal grudge against his ex-employers anything he says against Mi5 can't be trusted, or at least viewed with impartiality.
Besides that he also has to sell his book

The Informer

i agree

12.08.2005 15:57

This guy is bitter and twisted after being caught out trying to make a fast buck selling secrets to the media, which could have put us all in danger most probably.

I also agree with the statement about the book, he is busy trying to get rich from a book deal and will do anything to sell more copies, including stirring up conspiracy theories and paranoia.

get real

The Mendip Hills

12.08.2005 17:24

"The Lush Mendip Hills"

Oh please, more like the ficke or moody Mendip Hills - Remember 2003? "The Big Brown Gathering", we were lucky this year - the Mendip Hills are notorious for being moody...why not stick to what you know instead of glorifying your writing and spiling it !!

Dodging the Campaigns Field

yeh ... and?

12.08.2005 17:39

You may well be right 'informer', but telling us not to trust somebody is simply not good enough. We are (mostly) adults on here, so could you tell us in what ways what he says is incorrect? Deal with the substantive please, not motivation.

not an informer

MI5 has a dark side!!

12.08.2005 19:24

My my - isn't it strange how quickly people have jumped on Shayler here yet haven't offered a shred of evidence that he's talking tripe?

Let's remember the original Evening Standard article at the time:-

Calls for secret Shayler trial

By Patrick McGowan,
Evening Standard

THE Government has been accused by lawyers of trying to interfere in the trial of former MI5 officer David Shayler by insisting that part of the proceedings are held in private.

Ministers are demanding that trial judge Mr Justice Alan Moses agree in advance that the case go into private session without saying why and without hearing arguments to the contrary from the defence.

Shayler's trial, on charges under the Official Secrets Act, was beginning at the Old Bailey today. He is being prosecuted following newspaper interviews he gave five years ago and the trial is expected to last for at least four weeks. On Friday Home Secretary David Blunkett and Foreign Secretary Jack Straw signed identical public interest immunity certificates under which the press and the public will have to leave court if sensitive security issues are raised.

The certificates do not specify what information they are trying to keep secret on the grounds that to do so would cause the very damage the Government is seeking to avoid. They claim:

"Publication of information of the kinds referred to would be likely to assist those whose purpose it is to injure the security of the United Kingdom and whose actions in the past show that they are willing to kill innocent civilians, both inside and outside the UK, in pursuance of their aims."

Mr Blunkett and Mr Straw also claim present and future intelligence operations would be compromised. PII certificates signed by Conservative ministers were controversially used during the arms-to-Iraq trials in the Nineties.

Normally the judge in a trial would read documents in the case and, after hearing arguments from both sides, decide whether they should be disclosed. Now he is being asked to make his decision in advance. Shayler, 36, faces three charges. They allege he disclosed information, disclosed information obtained by interception of communications and disclosed documents.

The Crown Prosecution Service has already given notice that it will apply for some parts of the trial to be held in camera. This will apply to evidence on "sensitive operational techniques of the Security and Intelligence Services".

It is expected that the court will also be asked to keep the identities of MI5 agents secret and allow them to give evidence from behind screens. Today Geoffrey Robertson QC, representing civil rights group Liberty, will oppose the Government's move. Michael Tugendhat QC, appearing for various national newspapers, is expected to argue that the Government has provided no evidence that national security will be threatened by the trial and will underline the importance of open justice.

During the arms-to-Iraq cases Mr Justice Moses was prosecuting counsel and Mr Robertson was counsel for the defence when three directors of the machine tool company Matrix Churchill were accused of selling equipment to the Iraqi regime. Shayler will be defending himself during the trial.

He is expected to claim that British secret service agents paid up to £100,000 to al Qaeda terrorists for an assassination attempt on Libyan leader Colonel Gadaffy in 1996.

He is seeking permission to plead a defence of "necessity" - that he acted for the greater good by revealing wrongdoing by the security service. Although much of the trial may end up being held in camera, the arguments about which parts should be kept secret will be held in public. Only after they are concluded is the jury expected to be sworn in so the trial proper can begin.


The penultimate paragraph has never been denied, has it?

Listen to his interview, judge for yourself before listening to the talking heads here.


David Shayler tells the truth........

13.08.2005 14:18 long as you're a sycophantic activist airhead, willing to believe ANYTHING you're told as long as it smacks of consipiracy or anti-establishment tripe.

My, my ...funny how you now want verifiable facts about D Shayler's unreliability, and yet most of the activist prats posting on Indymedia wouldn't know a FACT if it jumped up and bit them, shouting I'M A FACT !!!

Face it, proof or no proof, no-one with half an ounce of sense would consider Shayler a reliable source.

Of course, if it makes you happy to have someone like him feed your infantile conspiracy fantasies, then I'm sure thats just fine and dandy!

As long ago as 1963, the Zapruder footage showed.............yaaawwwn.......(continued p 94)

Tina cat visit

Tina cat not interested in proof, just whitewash and kneejerk demonisation...

13.08.2005 16:32

Tina says "Face it, proof or no proof, no-one with half an ounce of sense would consider Shayler a reliable source."

So you don't put any reliance on proof? Strange way to put someone down, then, just because they have knowledge that you refuse to face or refute.

And, in this present global madness, could you give me your opinion as to what constitutes 'a reliable source', please?


PsyOps you lying fraudster!

14.08.2005 14:58

Go watch the documentary on Shayler, made with his own consent and come back and tell us he isn't a paranoid twat with an axe to grind.

Sure, MI6 were mooting qaadafi assination plans... but that doesn't make everything a man with no prospects and a reputation says gsopel. I mean FFS would you trust anyone who appears regularly on ITV news as a pundit?

Oh, you probably would because you are a "positely ID'ed" bullshitting loon.


Can any of team remember Colin Wallace

14.08.2005 18:43

I wonder how many of the IMC day dream believers can remember Colin Wallace ?
Now there's an old conspiracy theory from the 1970's and eighties for Mr Magoo and the rest
of the panel to shoot down in flames.
MI5 taking over from MI6 in northern Ireland and a lot of of dirty washing came out in public.
The shoot to kill policy and the subsequent Stalker enquiry into it.
There were some very intersting characters involved and some very serious character assassination
Stalker was suspended cos his missus was supposed to have used a cop car to go shopping, a pathetic allegation that was later to be proved false and he also got a good few grand from the Scum newspaper.
But the damage had already been done, he was also stabbed in the back by his own chief constable
lord godmanchester. But do you jerks really think that anyone who falls foul of MI5 or 6 is not going to
have a pile of shit laid on them ??? your just a bunch of day dream believers and you are taking the
gooverment version hook line and siinker.
Out of all that shit in Northern Ireland Rotshchild and company got their man heath was sunk or perhaps we should say they had their Woman, Thatcher came to power.
IMC seems to be over run by straight thinking plonker pullers without the slightest knowledge of recent history.



14.08.2005 22:11

And... what's the connection to this and Shayler not having anything new to feed the media for eons?

NI was/is/will still be for a long time a fucking massive steaming turd on everyone's front lawn. Is this the one wrong proves another game? Oliver Stone would come in his pants at the thought of doing a Northern Ireland film. It'd make JFK look like Eastenders.

Hell, I even know someone who have been fitted up by MI5 under Blair/Campbell's behest- needless to say the made a pig's ear of the smear campaign= a half-arsed job that was enough to make him a parriah in professional circles. And no I ain't telling the story here... but siffice to say it had fuck all to do with national security and a lot to do with Blair crony interests.

But that being said, it doesn't make me believe any old crap the fruitcakes can project on events.


And guess who he's a friend of....?

16.08.2005 09:25

The lunatic Larry O'Hara. Everytime it rains these two claim a conspiracy.


what these comments say to me

17.08.2005 17:24

Any one of these commenteers who's ever had a real job will know that its a sign of courage to be outspoken and criticise your ex-employers - especially when they are one of the most powerful arms of the secret state. but no - in the twilight world of Indymedia Comments that's a reason to condemn David Shayler out of hand.
These comments speak volumes to me. They come from the post-modern school of scapegoatism - ie that they couch their criticism in a fictional nightmare world of vulgarity and pettiness. The fact that this guy is able to criticise the state accurately - and the secret state in particular - appears to have evaded them. I hope people notice I asked him awkward questions too so as not to give him too easy a ride.
Unlike many people for whom pride and ego is their central motivation David is able to re-assess events as new evidence comes to light which shows he has the humility necessary to do a moving analysis of terrorist atrocities, fascist governments, hate campaigns against faith groups etc. Something the Met. police we all hope are able to do too.
By the way Inspector Lestrade, the latest information coming to light suggests that London Transport's underground station managers were called for an unprecedented emergency meeting at 7am on September 7th 2005 where they were reminded of their obligations not to speak to the press. No doubt more will energe in the next few weeks on this story (yes it will emerge even if LT managers are instructed to lie, & deny it).
I leave it for listeners to this interview to assess for themselves who are the 'nutters' here. David Shayler or the rude, up all night, anonymous, snipers from the sidelines, otherwise known as the 'goon squad' who lie to turn up at Trident Ploughshares and other peaceful, well aimed campaign meetings to shout and scream in an attempt to disrupt proceedings, daring the organisers to eject them. Nuff Said

Tony Gosling
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