A rough outline of the content has been drawn up and at least half the text is now available (althought still requires a great deal of editing).
But help is still needed.
Many more people will be needed to distribute the paper, please to volunteer if you will be in the area during the first week of September.
Donations towards costs are still essential. Currently we are bugeting on producing 8 pages with blank ink only and a print run of 5,000. If money is available we maybe able to use colour on at least the front and back page and either increase the print run or the number of pages if necessary.
If you live in the area then perhaps you could speak to local businesses about the possibility of placing paid adverts in the paper to help cover the printing cost. A one-off paper of this type being delivered door-to-door represents a good place to advertise - especially as there probably wan't be many other adverts.
We also need local views about the arms trade, the exhibition and protests opposing it for the leters page. If you can think of anyone who might like to contribute please let them know.
We'd also welcome suggestion for a name for the paper. Infact we welcome any suggestions or comments about the project.

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