Friday 6pm London vigil, 'London, Fallujah, no more bombs'.
Hi all, a vigil has been called against *all* terrorism with the slogan
'London, Fallujah, No More Bombs'. It's to be held at 6pm in Altabali Park
in East London, and will have the support of the local community.
In addition, at a snap meeting in London yesterday some of us agreed to push
forward with the slogan 'Their war, our dead', which was the one raised in
Spain that had the effect of turning the anger against the terrorist leaders
of both 'sides'. We'll want to see posters, stickers (t-shirts?) and banners
and placards with this slogan on. Right now the idea is to network the
slogan, rather than to make it the basis of any group -- it could be linked
back to an open publishing website where the diverse groups and individuals
who feel an affinity to the slogan could express what they see it as
One thing we need to do is to design the slogan into a logo. Is anyone up
for doing that? In order to propagate it, sympathetic websites could display
it on their front page. Are any of you willing, in principle, to do this?
Please pass this message along your networks as far as possible.
Many thanks
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