We may have 1776 troops dead in Iraq by 4th. July but the Founding Fathers would have approved and said it was worth it.
If they, indeed, did say that the Semite race were an Asiatic race of looters than they were speaking of the majority Semite race…..the Arabs and in particular the Iraqis.
You see the Israelis lived in Europe in 1776 and not in Asia. Therefore, Washington was speaking (if he said anything) about the Semites in Asia and the Iraqis were the lead group at that time.
Bush mentioned “Freedom” over 20 times in his speech last night but the Founding Fathers, Washington and Franklin, thought the Iraqis were not worth it.
Washington said that the Iraqis were Asiatics and not fit for freedom.
He said that “If God wanted the Asiatics to be free he would have made them Christian and American”.
The 13 states of Iraq may declare independence from Cheney on 4th. July but that will do them no good.
Cheney said “we are determined to Haliburtonize that kip even if we have to rob every bit of oil they have”.
With freedom fighters like Bush and Cheney the Aisatics stand no chance.
Both these great warriors fought for freedom in Vietnam when they were of fighting age.
They did not slouch around taking drugs and drink.
God bless America and those bastard Iranian Mullahs better look out.