Ghana has just agreed to stop production of its staple foods (including chickens) and to start importing them from G8 companies.
Well, as Phoney says…..”Aid is a deal for a deal”.
The G8, through the IMF, World Bank and WTO, have corrupted and bribed the Ghanaian Government into this disastrous move for Ghanaian citizens.
While G+B and their embedded music show distract attention from this, the people of Ghana prepare to slip into poverty, hunger and imported disease.
Would the embedded poverty campaigners, who say they are trying to raise awareness of this sort of genocide, like to say anything publicly about this or try to reverse it?
Would they even name the criminal conspiracies the World Bank (Wilton), IMF and WTO have got up to in the last 3 months (while they have been raising our awareness) and shame the Brits who work for on these scams.
It is always career clowns like Gauliter Wilton (WB) who will carry out any order for the likes of Wolfey.
We’ll wait and see if our awareness risers can name anything except their own names.
Incidentally, Wolfey supports Indymedia.
He has said so.
He said the other night on Channel 4 that democracy is abut more than elections and needs a free press.
Well, there you go, we’re home and dry.
We believe him.
The chaps who grabbed the Indymedia servers are just not listening.

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