Running alongside the official 'Architecture Week' we have something
much more fun up our sleeves.
Anarchitecture week is a celebration of resistance to corporate
occupation of space.
It celebrates the misuses, subversions, and hijacks of contemporary
architecture in a fun and informative way, exploring architecture and
the built environment from the perspective of those who try to reclaim
control over their own environment.
Events include a tour of Oxford Street pointing out the tricks shops
use to make us buy, An attempt to double the annual pedestrian count
for London's ugliest tunnel, A new product launch from the MUTI
corporation, The Nexus Chainstore Massacre (does what it says on the
tin), A tennis match across the Thames, trapeese on the tube and A
tour of Calafornia in Derby.
Culminating in a Scurvy Ridden Pirate Party on a reclaimed island in
Central London, this
promises to be a week never to forget...
more details and final timetable: