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Evening Standard / Islamic Community Net | 16.06.2005 18:20 | Culture | Migration | Social Struggles | London

A 10-month Scotland Yard study has documented ongoing Christian human child sacrifices in London, and a Christian theologian Dr. Richard Hoskins of Kings College acknowledges that this is true but asks that it be dealt with "sensitively". Contrast this demand for sensitivity with the everyday psychotic mistreatment of Muslims over "issues" like polygamy.

Assalamu aleikum.

"This has actually comes from the communities authored by people in the community and that really stymies the racist line." [Dr. Hoskins] added: "We are dealing with real cases here. When you actually talk to them, these are hard and fast facts. So I don't think we are getting wrong, but it is right to treat it sensitively."

-Dr Richard Hoskins, a lecturer of Theology and Religious Studies at King's College


Treat it "SENSITIVELY"? Child blood sacrifice?

If Muslims defend the Holy Qur'an from desecration Muslims get attacked and it is a controversy and not dealt with "sensitively".

If Muslims follow the correct practice of circumcising both male and female children, Muslims get attacked and it is a controversy and not dealt with "sensitively".

If Muslims dress properly during their lives Muslims get attacked and it is a controversy and not dealt with "sensitively".

If Muslims pray properly and on time while at work Muslims get attacked and it is a controversy and not dealt with "sensitively".

If Muslims dare to get buried in their own cemeteries Muslims get attacked and it is a controversy and not dealt with "sensitively".

In every phase of life, from birth, through adulthood and even through death, Muslims are never left alone by Christians to practice our deen in peace and are certainly not dealt with "sensitively".

And there is a whole worldwide christian crusade against Islam launched by the antichrist of our age, George Bush, to bolster the point.

But when CHRISTIANS deliberately PURCHASE uncircumcised children for less than US$20 each, IMPORT them from Africa, and then KILL them according to a pre-arranged plan THEN it is time to "open dialogue" with them, to treat it "sensitively".

Although the Lord's Resistance Army with its child torturing demand that Uganda adopt the Ten Commandments as it constitution is sick enough, never has Christian hogwash accepting human child sacrifice been more filthy and vile than that exposed in the following article from the London Evening Standard.

All those crimes are the inevitable byproduct of the Christian cannibal cult hocus-pocus that teaches that eating the magically transformed "flesh" of Jesus (A.S.) and drinking his magically transformed "blood" represents a "communion" between man and God. And that is the actual Christian teaching!


'Child sacrifices in London'
By Richard Edwards Crime Reporter
London Evening Standard
16 June 2005

Boys from Africa are being murdered as human sacrifices in London churches.

They are brought into the capital to be offered up in rituals by fundamentalist Christian sects, according to a shocking report by Scotland Yard.

Followers believe that powerful spells require the deaths of "unblemished" male children.

Police believe such boys are trafficked from cities such as Kinshasa where they can be bought for a little as £10.

The report, leaked ahead of its publication next month, also cites examples of African children being tortured and killed after being identified as "witches" by church pastors.

The 10-month study was commissioned after the death of Victoria Climbié, who was starved and beaten to death after they said she was possessed by the devil.

The aim of the Met study was to create an "open dialogue" with the African and Asian community in Newham and Hackney. In discussions with African community leaders, officers were told of examples of children being murdered because their parents or carers believe them to be possessed by evil spirits. Earlier-this month Sita Kisanga, 35, was convicted at the Old Bailey of torturing an eight-year-old girl from Angola she accused of being a witch.

Kisanga was a member of the Combat Spirituel church in Dalston. Many such churches, supported mainly by people from West Africa, sanction aggressive forms of exorcism on those thought to be possessed.

There are believed to be 300 such churches in the UK, mostly in London.

The report was put together by an expert social worker and lawyer for the Met after talking to hundreds of people in African communities in a series of workshops. It uncovered allegations of witchcraft spells, child trafficking and HIV-positive people who believe that by having sex with a child they will be "cleansed".

An extract reads: "People who are desperate will seek out experts to cast spells for them.

"Members of the workshop stated that for a spell to be powerful it required a sacrifice involving a male child unblemished by circumcision. They allege that boy children are being trafficked into the UK for this purpose."

It adds: "A number of pastors maintain that God speaks through them and lets them know when someone is possessed.

"It is therefore their duty to deliver the child or adult from the evil spirit.

"After much debate they acknowledge that children labelled as possessed are in danger of being beaten by their families.

"However, they would not accept they played a role in inciting such violence."

Last month Scotland Yard revealed it had traced just two out of 300 black boys aged four to seven reported missing from London schools in a three-month period.

The true figure for missing boys and girls is feared to be several thousand a year.

The scale of the problem emerged through the murder inquiry following the discovery of a child's torso in the Thames in September 2001. The identity of the victim, named Adam by police, is not known but his background was traced to Nigeria. It is believed he died in a ritual sacrifice.

John Azar, who helped the police on that inquiry, told Radio4's Today programme that the known cases could be "the tip of the iceberg".

Police working on the Adam case have found children are being sold to traffickers on the streets of major African cities for less than £10 and then smuggled into the UK. The children arrive in London armed with false documents and accompanied by adults who believe they will bolster their asylum claims.

Dr Richard Hoskins, a lecturer of Theology and Religious Studies at King's College, said: "We know this through work we have been doing on the Adam inquiry. These children are ripe for people to abuse. They are easy prey."

A Met spokesman said: "We undertook a project aimed at improving our knowledge of issues impacting child abuse within the African and Asian communities of London. The aim of the project was to open a dialogue within these communities and encourage a debate which would help reduce the risks of harm to children."

The report says there is a wide gulf between these communities and social services and protection agencies with many people in ethnic communities scared to speak out.

The report concludes police face a "wall of silence" when dealing with such cases.

Experts differ on the merits of the Scotland Yard report.

Dr William Les Henry, a lecturer in sociology at Goldsmiths College, said aspects of the reports were pigeonholing crimes together and were patronising and racist.

He said: "When we think about these cases we can see the same kind of patterns of behaviour in European cultures but they are interpreted in completely different ways.

"This is one of the crises with social sciences anyway, when they are supposedly interpreting the folk ways or cultural habits of alien cultures." He said that the models such reports are based on are that "Africans are less civilised, less rational".

But Dr Hoskins said: "This is very detailed, qualitative report that actually comes out of the communities.

"This is not white people saying this. This has actually comes from the communities authored by people in the community and that really stymies the racist line." He added: "We are dealing with real cases here. When you actually talk to them, these are hard and fast facts.

"So I don't think we are getting wrong, but it is right to treat it sensitively."

He believes vulnerable people are being manipulated by spiritual leaders.

"This is absolutely what is going on. They are often very vulnerable, poor people.

"It is people in positions of power and money that are manipulating poor people."

Evening Standard / Islamic Community Net
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Hide the following 6 comments


16.06.2005 20:49

How has this mad islamic fundamentalist shit been up here for an entire 2 hours?!. Seriously fucking use your brains and get rid of this nonsense.


What a load of crap

16.06.2005 23:38

I'm no Christian but I think you're making a mistake by taking this as typical Christian behaviour. It isn't, it's more to do with African culture with Christianity being corrupted by primitive tribal beliefs. Secondly, Muslims are the biggest group of savages in existance, a million times worse than the Africans. The instances of mass rape, torture, mutilation and murder by Muslims across the world are numerous.

Also if you're going to pick out pieces of scripture, I ask you this: Which religion has a filthy paedophile as their prophet?

Humpty Dumpty

All Religious can be Stupid

17.06.2005 01:15

This article doesn't read much different to me than da medieval allegations that jews murdered christian children
look i know lots of christians do bad things - like beat up they're kids- hate gays-oppress women and not get on with people of other religions
in that way thay aren't very different to muslim, jews, or hindutiva hindis or some kinds of the followers of marxism

with regards to this article - female circumcision ain't in the koran and i have not heard the hadith from any reliable source -(masallah)
i bet the person who posted this and is advocating it as part of their deen is some mommy's boymuslim- who never talked to a woman honestly about sex - or cares what it feels like

down with patriachry

religios bigorty

and nerds

saalamm ailekum


reply to taqwacore

17.06.2005 05:23

Wa aleikum as-salaam.

Rasulullah (S.A.W.) approved the practice of female circumcision. When he met a lady who performed the female circumcisions, his advice was not to cut deeply. To view that hadith and some of the related hadiths:

All Sunni madhabs accept female circumcision with the only differences among them being whether it is purely optional as a courtesy to the prospective husband (Hanafi) or whether it is recommended or wajib.

When my oldest daughter had it done by the village circumcision lady at age 8 at my wife's request, she (my daughter) commented immediately afterward that it was no worse than a mosquito bite. And that's the legitimate practice of Islamic female circumcision. But the Christian media always publicizes the horror cases of those women who have been victimized by sadistic "pharaonic" circumcisions as if this were supported by Islamic standards.

As for whether "most" Christians practice human child sacrifice, that was neither claimed nor the point of the article. The point is that human child sacrifice is a natural and logical extension of Christian cannibal cult ideology that holds that Christians should eat the flesh and blood of another human being - the piece of bread that is supposedly magically changed into the actual body of Jesus (A.S.) and wine into his actual blood (according to traditional Christian doctrine). No one who studies Kali worship would be surprised or outraged if it were pointed out that Kali worshippers commit child sacrifices. So why is anyone surprised that Christians do so?

And the upshot of Scotland Yard's investigation is that we are all supposed to approach human child sacrifice by Christians with "sensitivity" and "dialogue".

And the notion that human child sacrifice demands "sensitivity" and "dialogue" is still hogwash, however anyone chooses to mischaracterize the article.


Islamic Community Net
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17.06.2005 09:43

remove remove remove
both article and comments are stirring religious hatred, please remove asap!!!!!


What a load more crap

17.06.2005 09:50

Humpty "Kilroy" Dumpty, I'm no Muslim but I think you're making a mistake by taking this as typical Muslim behaviour.

"It isn't, it's more to do with African culture with Christianity being corrupted by primitive tribal beliefs."

Christianity is a primitive tribal belief, its older than Islam, and no better. In fact they both ultimately derive from the same source.

It's Christianity thats making the AIDS epidemic far worse than it needs to be in Africa. Both the Catholic Church and the Evangelical Bush administration spread lies about condoms, and refuse to supply aid money to charities that supply them.

"Secondly, Muslims are the biggest group of savages in existance"

ITYM: "Muslims are the second biggest group of savages in existence." HTH. (Christianity is still more popular.)

"The instances of mass rape, torture, mutilation and murder by Muslims across the world are numerous."

Replace "Muslims" with "Christians" and the above sentence is still factually correct. Muslims at least have a good excuse: they often live under repressive regimes, and these things all go hand in hand with such brutal dictatorships. What's Bush's and Blair's excuse?

"Which religion has a filthy paedophile as their prophet?"

No wait, I know this one? Is it the Catholic Church?



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