London Indymedia

Live 8 - Saturday 2 July 2005 - Hyde park

do they really give a f** at all? | 31.05.2005 15:48 | G8 2005 | Culture | Globalisation | London

The rumoured "Live Aid II" concert, under the name of Live 8 to coincide with the G8 Summit, is now confirmed as happening. The show will publicise the MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY campaign, rather than raise cash. Applications for tickets will be via a text message lottery (at £1.50 per text plus normal network charge), as revealed earlier today.

Bob Geldolf in Africa
Bob Geldolf in Africa

Confirmed acts;

Annie Lennox
Elton John
Joss Stone
Mariah Carey
Paul McCartney
Robbie Williams
Scissor Sisters
Snoop Dogg

Tickets are free, and people can apply - as many times as they like - from 8am Monday 6th June, with the lines staying open for 7 days. There's 75,000 pairs of tickets, and the winners will be randomly chosen by computer. The number to text will be announced at 8am on Monday 6th June via all UK Radio Stations and BBC Television, with no applications accepted before 8am.

Simultaneous events will happen in Rome, Paris, Berlin, and Philidelphia. More information
to follow later.

do they really give a f** at all?


Hide the following 9 comments


31.05.2005 16:36

That's the problem with Geldof he goes and does things that make life better for those living in poverty. I wish he would understand the activist community doesn't want to do that, instead it wants to stand around and winge about how everything is just so bad.

Well kiss my arse you lot. I have worked with Geldof he makes things happen. Your self centred, sanctimonius, no good ideas crap is achieving nothing while he is feeding people.

Band Aid Worker

no point moaning either of you

31.05.2005 17:13

It's bigger than anyone, or any pop star, or any single mobilisation...

The ball's well and truly rolling and it's going to be unstoppable...

See you in scotland!

1 Month and counting...

skies the limit

There's more to it than that!

31.05.2005 17:24

The concerts take place at the same time as the Make Poverty History protest in Edinburgh on July 2nd which has been widely cited as attracting upto 100,000 people.

But Geldof and others are now saying there'll be an even bigger protest in edinburgh on July 6th, which is the first day of the summit. They're saying that the July 2nd concerts will be the launch of the 'long march' up to Edinburgh, with the aim of getting hundreds of thousands to attend, hopefully topping one million people.

everyone to scotland!

eat shit and die

01.06.2005 09:15

to Band Aid worker - fuck off you liberal twat. - just perpetuating the same old shite. change the world my fucking arse. the developing world would be better off with London a smoking crater!

twin tower

Oh, great

01.06.2005 11:04


If we really want to change the world we need to build a mass movement involving MOST PEOPLE.

In order for this to happen, its the likes of "Twin Tower" that need to "eat shit and die" otherwise we're putting our future in the hands of EITHER elitist neo-con wankers like Blair or sad cunts like "Twin Tower" with their masturbatory fantasies about terrorism and the mass murder of millions.

I think Geldof is a bit of a dick. But if he gets millions to march on the G8 he'll have done far more to help the world than the previous poster's pathetic ranting.



01.06.2005 11:11

Dear twin tower,

May I offer you a brain transplant? I have several models (only slightly used), all of them at very reasonable prices. Astound your fiends with your witticisms! Impress your enemies with your intelligence!

Get your new brain TODAY!!!


Here I come to save the day

01.06.2005 23:46

WHy cant any of you see that all these years of charity and the situations getting worse. Its a crime to let them sing during the G8 protest coz they essentially support the problem. Bono was campaining for the labout party. Geldorf was meeting up with blair and discussing hopw much money should go into africa. Well isnt that peachy. O wait, isnt blair also responsible for the economic rape of the continent?? Arent the british american etc companies responsible for impoverishing the people there by making billions and paying them 2pence. 80% of African wealth goes to the western world and uve got some dickheads with all the money in the world telling us dickheads with hardly any to give money to Africa like itl make a difference. The G8 protest should be against capitalism and the free market which is the cause of poverty. Only the fact that you see these people co-operating with the likes of Blair who is capitalisms biggest advocate right now along with bush tells you the nature of live8. People should bring whatever vegetables they can find to throw at the performers rather than tarnish the protests by making this a part of them.

Look at the real fucking picture


listen to what people geldof says and weep

06.06.2005 15:51

you people out there who dont care about the poverty stricken africans really are careless people. would you still be saying that if it was you and your family poverty stricken. i for one am a keen person who backsmup geldofs words as every thing he says is true. we have everything and they have nothing. its about time you people who dont care about any thing but themselves shut their faces and showed a little bit of appreciation.

kirsty moore
mail e-mail:

Boomtown man is not a Rat; G8 gigs are GR8 for awareness

15.06.2005 09:30

To debate such a serious subject matter it disturbs me to see that some people in this world can be so negative & irresponsible with their comments... come on folks; this can only be for the good of this world that we all live in, there's some rotten places over there and some rotten people of here, support it and get rid of the rot forever?

simple support


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