London Indymedia

Reopen 9-11 Events in London and Manchester

ThoughtCrimeNews | 24.05.2005 16:36 | Anti-militarism | Education | Globalisation | London, sponsored by Jimmy Walter, is putting on events in London and Manchester where they will be discussing the evidence concerning the September 11th attacks.

Reopen 911 is a call to reopen the investigation into the 9-11 attacks

For the first time, major 9-11 truth events are being held in the UK. Entry is free, but please book a ticket first, either online or by calling the freephone number

0800 8830 888

London Forum - Friday 27th May

7.00 pm - Friends House
173 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ

London Film Screenings - Thursday 2nd June

Prince Charles Cinema
Leicester Place, London WC2

9/11: Confronting The Evidence – 5.30 pm
Painful Deceptions – 8.05 pm
The Great Conspiracy – 9.40 pm

The Great Conspiracy will be introduced by Barrie Zwicker

London Forum - Friday 3rd June

7.00 pm - Friends House
173 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ

Manchester Forum - Saturday 4th June

7.00 pm - Great Hall
Manchester Town Hall, Albert Square, Manchester, M60 2LA

Confirmed speakers include:

Jimmy Walter
Executive Producer, Reopen 911

David Shayler
MI5 whistleblower

Barrie Zwicker
Canadian TV journalist
The Great Conspiracy

Webster Tarpley
Author, Researcher
Author, 911:Synthetic Terror

Thierry Meyssan
Researcher, Author, Le Pentagate
Reseau Voltaire

Christopher Bollyn
American Free Press

William Rodriguez
WTC survivor, last person to escape the Twin Towers
911 For The

Lisa Pease

Phil Berg

911 For The Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
Author, "The War On Terror" and head of
Institute for Public Research and Development

Penny Little
Film maker- "911: From Dust to Deceit

Rachel Hughes
WTC area worker, now suffering severe metal poisoning

- This has been a hand-written production -



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These men are vile

08.06.2005 09:09

Christopher Bollyn and Walters are known conspiracy theorists who blame pretty much everything on a Jewish conspiracy (including 9/11 and the Azerbijan pipeline disaster!!!)

Their claims are rooted in the good old blood libel.

Great to see that they are being advertised on Indymedia

Stop racism

very low key

09.06.2005 07:16

i went to this forum and it was very low key

Rachel Hughes
WTC area worker, now suffering severe metal poisoning

was a shocking and informative presentation

the forum didnt stray from the facts around 9/11 but i do understand how some people will use this information to roll in their personal anti-semetic views.

but i must say critising the 'isreali government' doesnt = critising jews

just as critising the uk and us government doesnt = anti-christian diatribe

William Rodriguez
WTC survivor, last person to escape the Twin Towers
911 For The

was excellent... and he states after 20 years of working in the towers he heard and felt an explosion in the basement of the buildings BEFORE the plane hit.


'Hero' Rodriguez has some bizarre claims

26.06.2005 05:53

1) How is it that Rodriguez could remember the face of a single person after more than a month in a building with thousands passing through daily? Interesting that he can chose to TESTIFY before the Ommission Comission that one of the ARAB HIJACKERS was in the WTC before it was hit.

"Rodriguez may have given the 9/11 panel the first eyewitness testimony about a hijacker inside one of the towers before the terror strike."

2) If you think that patsies did the attack, why would the patsies be scoping out the building? To see where they were going to committ suicide? If he really did see anyone, it was a set-up to place false blame, the same as seeing the patsies in the parking lot at Logan before they got on the planes.

3) If the demolition of the towers ever comes out, the easiest way to try to cover it up will be to say that ARABS PUT BOMBS IN THE BUILDINGS. Rodriguez's supposed testimony will then will serve the purpose of placing Arabs at the scene, putting bombs in the cores somewhere.

Janitor tells 9/11 panel of brush with WTC thug

WASHINGTON - A hero janitor who helped victims escape
from the World Trade Center's north tower before it
collapsed told the 9/11 panel that he came across one
of the hijackers in the building a few months before
the attack.

William Rodriguez, 43, of Jersey City met with the
commission for the first time last week.

A 20-year Trade Center employee who swept stairwells,
he swears he saw United Airlines Flight 175 hijacker
Mohand Alshehri in June 2001 and told an FBI agent in
the family center at Ground Zero about it a month
after the attacks. He never heard back from the

Rodriguez said he was working overtime one weekend
cleaning rest rooms on the concourse and mezzanine
levels when Alshehri approached him.

"I had just finished cleaning the bathroom and this
guy asks me, 'Excuse me, how many public bathrooms are
in this area?'" Rodriguez told the Daily News.

"Coming from the school of the 1993 [Trade Center]
bombing, I found it very strange," Rodriguez said. "I
didn't forget about it."

After Al Qaeda's attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, Rodriguez
recognized Alshehri's mug in newspapers.

"I'm very certain, I'll give it 90%" that Alshehri was
casing the towers before the attacks, the WTC
ex-porter said.

It is believed that American Airlines Flight 11
hijacker Mohamed Atta cased New York City targets,
including the Diamond District, but Rodriguez may have
given the 9/11 panel the first eyewitness testimony
about a hijacker inside one of the towers before the
terror strike.

Little is known about the Saudi-born Alshehri, 22, or
his travels after arriving in Miami on May 28, 2001.
Alshehri used the alias Abu Dujana, the name of
Islam's mythic Red-Banded Warrior, who fought for the
Prophet Muhammed. It's a name other Al Qaeda attackers
also have used, including one who claimed
responsibility for the train bombings in Madrid on
March 11 of this year.

Rodriguez is credited with saving lives on 9/11 and
for helping immigrants get 9/11 funds. He kept mum
until now because he assumed the FBI was investigating
his lead. FBI officials say they have never heard of
Rodriguez but do not discount his story.

The revelation, if true, comes as the panel meets this
week to scrutinize - again - the military's Sept. 11
response. FBI agents and CIA officials also will
testify about the post-attack probe of the plot.

Originally published on June 15, 2004


sting operations

27.06.2005 18:06

the government/ pentagon / cia were running simulations of terrorist activities. sting operations generally encompass setting up a fake terrorist cell and encouraging 'real' terrorists to join. the officials then arrest the 'real' terrorists in the process of committing a crime.

mohammed atta and the others were running terrorist simulations for the cia, so the cia can determin what security is required and how to react in the 'real' event of a terrorist event.

the recognised terrorist in the WTC, could conceivably, be one of these assets running through a simulation.

for more information on sting operations and other government intelligence 'fun' see

omagh bombing
WTC 1993
customs and excise 'controlled deliveries'

just for starters


Bush et al are war criminals

15.10.2005 06:23

It has been proven beyond doubt that 911 was the work of rogue elements in the Bush administration. This fiasco has been followed by Bush's phoney "war on terror" and a subequent "war on Islam".

The failure in Iraq will bring about the end of the Bush-Blair axis of lies and fabrications. Those two villains are war criminals who should be tried for all the global damage they caused.

Mohammed A. Hegazi
mail e-mail:


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