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For a link to the other set of photos, see one of the comments at the foot of this page.
VICTORY TO THE INTIFADA! - video/mpeg 1.2M
Thinks: "Why doesn't that blinkin' snapper get out the bleedin' way?"
Jews for justice for Palestinians
Anti-imperialism pulls in a youthful crowd
Pausing for pedestrians crossing at Parliament Square
That's the second Oxford PSC banner I photographed
Got wheels? Come on down and demonstrate – 1
Then raise the scarlet standard high, within its shade we'll live and die
National Association of Teachers in Further Education
Got wheels? Come on down and demonstrate – 2
With the insurgency against the brutal US/UK occupation of Iraq making most of the running in the mainstream media's middle-eastern coverage, perhaps the relative side-lining of Israeli state barbarism (not that it ever gets the breadth or depth of condemnatory stories it deserves) has had a knock-on effect on the size of this annual demonstration. However, as a friend who was on the whole demonstration and at the concluding Trafalgar Square rally pointed out, size isn't everything – the quality of the people protesting put her in mind of folks who don't just show up for another A to B march once a year, but spend plenty of time in between on the nitty-gritty of solidarity campaign work. And indeed, the recent controversy over UK lecturers' unions' backing an academic boycott of Israeli universities may well have something to do with the sizeable contingents of teachers, lecturers and even schoolchildren on the demo.
If you're moved to demonstrate practical international solidarity with our Palestinian sisters and brothers, I recommend checking out the direct action stylings of the International Solidarity Movement: and
For the most politically astute coverage and analysis of the ever-deepening middle-eastern crisis, I recommend the International Communist Current's 'Israel/Palestine' portal page:
This event was organised by the UK's Palestine Solidarity Campaign:
Supported by: Muslim Association of Britain, Jews for Justice for Palestinians, Stop the War Coalition, Friends of Al Aqsa, War on Want, National Union of Teachers, Trade Union Friends of Palestine, Palestinian Forum in Britain
In International Solidarity,
Tim D Jones
All these photos are 'CopyLeft'. This means you are free to copy and distribute any of my photos you find here, under the following license:
Copyright ©2005 Tim D Jones
Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute copies of these photographs, in any medium, for personal and not-for-profit purposes, provided that this copyright notice and permission notice are preserved, and that the distributor grants the recipient permission for further redistribution as permitted by this notice.
Modified versions may not be made. Accreditation:
Hide the following 6 comments
How about stopping the suicide bombings?
23.05.2005 13:37
Pictures, What Pictures?
23.05.2005 15:36
I've emailed and to alert 'em to this novel failure mode -- maybe something to do with the server migration this last weekend. When the problem's fixed, I hope the fixer will also remove this comment.
Tom -- our readers and your Israeli-apologist self might like to ask yourselves some questions:
Would the IRB and the IRA have existed if the British state had not used Scottish presbytarian planters in Ulster to keep Ireland divided, ruled and dominated by the British Empire, its police and army?
Would the WWII French resistance movement have existed without the Nazi military occupation?
Would Umkhonto We Sizwe (the military wing of the ANC) have existed without the RSA state repression of aparthied?
Would the insurgency in Iraq exist without the UK/US military occupation?
Would Palestinian and Islamic terrorism against Israel and her US paymasters exist if Palestine hadn't been raped, pillaged and occupied by the apartheid Israeli state since 1948?
Would human rights abuses occur in "Suadia Arab, Eygpt and Algeria" (sic) if first the British Empire and now the US Empire had not used Jewish planters in Palestine* to divide and rule the arab nations they arbitrarily created and continue to dominate?
*"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first governor of Jerusalem under British rule
in the 1920s, explained [the creation of an Israeli settler state] as
"forming for England a 'little loyal Jewish Ulster' in a sea of
potentially hostile Arabism". A lifetime later, that is essentially the role
played by Israel for the US and wider western interests today. It also
helps explain the licence given to the Middle East's only nuclear-armed
state to violate UN security council resolutions at will and why even
the EU is unlikely to agree to the economic or military sanctions
demanded yesterday by the European parliament."
Seumas Milne, "Our friends in Jenin" in The Guardian, Thursday April
11, 2002
In the logical limit, only the coming world-wide revolution -- in sweeping away national borders, the global market economy, and the uneven development to which western imperialim has subjected the world -- stands any chance of resolving these conflicts of decadent, decomposing capitalism.
Tim D Jones
re: Tom's post
23.05.2005 16:06
Get a life dude.
How to stop suicidal bombing in israel
23.05.2005 16:22
Those who are been killed anyway are not scare to lose their lives, can you understand this?? I know you can't. STOP ZIONISM!!!
The State of Israel-Serving the Palestinian Community since 1948
23.05.2005 16:50
The Anti-Tom
Links Comment
24.05.2005 10:46
Set 1 of 2
Set 2 of 2
See also: Pix of Uzbek Embassy Demonstration, Sat 21 May 05
Tim D Jones