The Scotsman newspaper is briefing against the demonstration, encouraging the council to refuse permission for the protest, saying it would cost too much extra money to police and would cause too much disruption following the expected massive Make Poverty History demonstration the day before. "Edinburgh council tax payers have rights too" ends their editorial on the matter. One can't help feeling that maybe they should have opposed the G8 ever coming to Scotland if that's the way they feel about demonstrations.
Our police officers will be stretched too far
Double trouble on G8 weekend
Hide the following 15 comments
21.05.2005 12:25
Well guess who will NOT be going to this impotent debacle....
the middle finger
No Not Boring
21.05.2005 12:57
And anyway 'middle finger' just where do you get off posting a negative comment after post after post on Indymedia? I think we're all pretty tired of your complaining comments, and by now I think we know your politics.
So I'm not surprised you won't be going to this protest, but quite frankly who cares. A lot of other people will. I certainly will.
And if you prefer more direct action approches then there's plenty of that available during the G8 protests. If you prefer debate then there's plenty of that also. You could also go to the Stop The War demo and talk to people about other forms of action, or leaflet them about other actions during the G8. You could even organise your own protests. Just stop posting negative carping comments all the time.
I think the important thing about this news post is that the scotsman newspaper is starting a campaign to get the demonstration denied, which quite frankly is outrageous!
well the SWP/STWC are at it again
21.05.2005 14:18
Anyway, I won't be bothering with any of it. You are right not to care about me, because I won't be caring about you.
the middle finger
Middle Finger....
21.05.2005 16:35
Let him eat cake
The Middle Troll
21.05.2005 21:44
What kind of sectarian bollox is that??
The more protests the better init? I would have said? OK so if it's not radical enough to make a difference then at least it's not doing any harm? You're suggesting that they're actually doing some sort of damage to the movement by er... taking part - or "hijacking" as you call it.
To be honest there are people in Make Poverty History who think that G8 Alternatives (and Dissent! even more so) are "hijacking" their protests.
Nobody owns the protest. Nobody gets to say "I thought of protesting first so these are MY protests". That's just bollox. Everyone can protest. The more people who do the better. You've never had anything positive to say about anything. If people are pissed off and they want to protest then who are you to tell them that you're too hardcore and too cool to join in their mere mortal A-B marches. If they want to protest, great! - let them protest. Fuck's sake, man.
Get orrff of me protests!
what's more boring, A to B marches or TROLLS?
22.05.2005 11:04
Who exactly are they asking to fight poverty andstop wars?? The g8?? Blair and Bush?? Do these idiots really think that the worlds leaders are gonna listen to them? Or do they just want to sidetrack people from the real issue which is the system we live in and its nature. No compromises with the system. Bring it down now before it brings all of mankind down. As far as im concerned these idiots can demonstrate with the catholic church during the g8 summit. You both deserve eachother.
Bring down the system
if you wanna protest, protest
22.05.2005 11:41
Just remember the shit being thrown up when the SWP/STWC organised an anti-war march at the ESF, and how everyone was up in arms because the SWP were hijacking that event.
Besides, I am sure not the only one that thinks SWP marches = pile of boring shite.
the middle finger
22.05.2005 16:18
Keep taking the medication.
22.05.2005 17:55
All this so the SWP will be able to claim it was "their" march. Of course the sheep will follow as they always do.
When will you learn how you are being manipulated ?
Independent Protestor
Stop The War Coalition is NOT the SWP
23.05.2005 14:06
Tony Benn President
George Galloway MP Vice President
Alice Mahon MP Vice President
Tam Dalyell MP Vice President
Tariq Ali Vice President
Caroline Lucas MEP Vice President
Keith Sonnet (Unison) Vice President
Jeremy Corbyn MP
Andrew Murray (TGWU) Chair
Lindsey German Convenor
Jim Brann (London CND) Treasurer
Jim Addington Action For UN Renewal
Explo Nani Kofi ALISC Network
Carol Turner
Regan Scott Bertrand Russell Trust
Saleh Mamoud CAMPACC
Graham Stevenson Communist Party
Kate Hudson CND
Steve Bell CWU
Tekin Kartel Day-mer
Linda Smith FBU London, and Respect
Ibrahim Dogus FEDBIR
Riad Al Tahrir Friendship Across Frontiers
Ismael Patel Friends of al- Aqsa
Chris Nineham Globalise Resistance
Mick Ryan GMB
Paul Ingram Green Party
Louise Christian Human Rights Lawyer
Fred Leplat ISG
Ghada Razuki
Claire James ISR
Sabah Jawad Iraqi Democrats
Jane Shallice
Iraq Occupation Focus
Just Peace
Simon De Ville Labour Against The War
Walter Wolfgang Labour CND
Military Families Against the War
Dr Ghaysuddin Siddiqui Muslim Parliament
Trevor Phillips NATFHE
Anita Halpin NUJ
Pete Leary National Union Students
Tom Whittaker National Union Students
Sarah Colborne PSC
Alys Elica Zaerin School Students Against War
Simeon Andrews Socialist Campaign Group of MPs
Ken Smith Socialist Party
Stop Political Terror
John Rees SWP
Andrew Burgin STWC Press
Andy Newman STWC Swindon
Andy Bain TSSA
Bernard Regan NUT Exec, personal capacity
1990's Trust
UK Veterans and Families for Peace
Doh !
23.05.2005 14:21
Why are the SWP so keen to be distanced from this demo I wonder ?
wrong target
23.05.2005 15:07
These are Brown, Blair, Geldoff and Bono and important elements of the leadership of 'make poverty history'(mph).
Gordon Brown has actually called on people to attend Edinburgh July 2nd 'make poverty history' rally! The Labour Party is trying to spin the media that the protest is in support of Browns plans! (For more on why these plans won't make poverty history but will only strenghthen capitalism, check out the literature of groups like the World Development Movement).
People of course, should still attend the July 2nd MPH rally. We all want to make poverty history...but we need to remain independant and criticise our governments proposals. In order to abolish poverty we must aim to make capitalism history, as it is capitalism that breeds poverty.
Then after July 2nd Rally the MPH leaders want everyone to go home. Geldoff is planning another 'Live Aid' concert somewhere far away from the G8 with lots of multi-millionaire popstars to attract a crowd. They will attempt to play 'divide and rule', with anyone wishing to stay on for the July 6th Gleneagles demo and after as mad demented terrorists!
The police are attempting to ban the Gleneagles demo on July 6th organised by 'G8 Alternatives'. But this group, which includes CND, Stop the War, the SWP and many others will push ahead anyway. The authorities tried to ban demo's in London against Bush's visit, but 'stop the war' faced them down, got 300,000 there and can do it again.
I think the July 3rd stop the war demo is a good idea. We need to encourage people to stay on after July 2nd. Stop the War is much more than the SWP, has a support base of hundreds of thousands, and can help swell the protests. We will need several days of mass protests, and this demo really helps, actually.
Barry Kade
23.05.2005 21:16
Can you clarify which members of the STWC are members of SWP?
It would make it easier then to see if the STWC is really a front for the SWP or whether or not that is a figment of your imagination.
Communists specialise in leading social movements
23.05.2005 22:58
Of course they like to hope that that they'll recruit lots of new members through doing so, that's certainly part of the attraction.
Fight Poverty Not War
24.05.2005 12:25
Support the 'Naming of the Dead'in Edinburgh. Going on about the SWP - of whom there are 5 out of 50 on the STW Committee - is a diversion.