Relatives of two Palestinains boys shot dead
Photo of Peace Israeli Soldiers attack in Jewish and Arab non-violent peace demo
Uncover two undercover Israeli secret service personal arresting a person at the
By Dr. Jack Shepard
by Dr. Jack Shepard is founder of People for Peace Group
join at

This is exactly how another Israeli Soldier over 2 years ago killed British UN staffer Iain Hook; first they shot him in the back.
Then they blocked the ambulance from reaching Iain Hook causing him to bleed to death before he reached the hospital.
It is shocking that cold blooded murders of children is condoled by Ariel Sharon’s Government.
Especially this murder of children has created extreme hatred to spread through the Islamic World toward America and our brave Soldiers American serving in Iraq.
If Ariel Sharon does not keep is promises to President George W. Bush and continues to do everything in his power to block President George W. Bush’s vision of peace in the Middle East; our Mission in Iraq will be impossible to win.
Our American Troops will continue to die and suffer; because of the hatred toward America caused by these Atrocities and murder of 100’s of Palestinian children by the Israeli Military following orders of Ariel Sharon.
Ariel Sharon who really has no interest in supporting any peace effort with President Bush. Quite the opposite Ariel Sharon is now doing everything he possible can like condoling the killing of 5 young Palestinian boys in just the last 2 weeks just to infuriate the Palestinians end their cease-fire.
My fellow Americans must soon understand with allies like the Government of Ariel Sharon; who need enemies. 75% of the Israeli population wish peace not the continued war Ariel Sharon have created these last 4 years.
Until the American Press supports President Bush peace efforts in the Middle East by including the atrocities done by the Israeli Soldiers acting under the policies of Ariel Sharon which include the slaughter 100’s of Palestinian children; peace in Iraq and the entire Middle East with Ariel Sharon as the Prime Minister of Israel is impossible.
Ariel Sharon has placed the very safety of Israel and America in jeopardy; by creation a situation where now 1000’s of suicide bomber are rushing to Iraq to kill themselves and prevent America from ever winning our mission in Iraq and having our brave soldiers return home as winners.Ariel Sharon is now solely responsible for a dramatic worldwide increase of anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism.
Uri Avnery; leader Gush-Shalom wrote. join at
The use of lethal force on Palestinian demonstrators, even when they throw stones, expresses abysmal contempt for the life of non-Jews. That same officer would not have fired on Jewish demonstrators in similar circumstances. The thought would not even have crossed his mind. But Palestinians, and Arabs generally, are not considered full human beings.
Opening live fire on unarmed 14 and 15- year old boys shows a deeply-rooted racist mentality. The boys’ age was clear to the officer who shot them. They could not have “endangered his life", as he claims, if they had not been quite close. He certainly would have found other ways to drive them off if they had been the children of orthodox Jews or settlers.
One of the boys was wounded only in the thigh. The wound was probably not mortal, but the boy was left to bleed to death. The army did not treat him, as it would have treated a wounded soldier. It seems that an ambulance from the village was not able to approach.
The protection of children is a profound human instinct. A person must be a hatred-ridden racist, or have a twisted mind, for this instinct to be put out of action, whatever the origin of the boys.
There is no more appropriate day to protest against such an act, and the mental attitudes lurking behind it, than Holocaust Day
At the very same time, the spontaneous demonstration in front of the Defense Ministry in Tel-Aviv was taking place. Its purpose was to protest the killing of two Palestinian boys, aged 14 and 15, at Beit Likiya village, during a demonstration against the Fence.
Beit Likiya lies some kilometers south of Bil’in, the site of the large demonstration I reported on last week. The circumstances are similar: the land of Beit Likiya is also being stolen by the Fence. The bulldozers work from morning to night and their rattle, rather like a continuous burst of heavy-machine-gun fire, resonates around all the villages in the vicinity.
The villagers know that beyond this fence, on their land, their source of livelihood for many generations, new neighborhoods of the nearby settlement will be built. Like the villagers of Bil’in, they protest every day. Men, women and children march towards the armed soldiers, with blaring loudspeakers, lying down on the ground, chaining themselves to their olive trees, and sometimes the youngsters of the village throw stones and are brutally driven away by the soldiers.
When Jewish Israelis take part in the demonstrations, the soldiers generally use tear gas, stun grenades, rubber-coated steel bullets, and now also salt-bullets. When there are no Jews around, they may use live ammunition, too.
This time, a group of soldiers stood facing the village boys, who threw stones. Nobody was seriously hurt. Nobody’s life was in danger. But the commander, a lieutenant, fired live rounds. Two boys were killed.
One of the boys was wounded only in the thigh. The wound was probably not mortal, but the boy was left to bleed to death. The army did not treat him, as it would have treated a wounded soldier. It seems that an ambulance from the village was not able to approach.
Within a few hours, Israeli peace activists mounted a protest. The call was transmitted by word of mouth, by phone and e-mail. About 250 men and women gathered in front of the Defense Ministry, many young people, not a few elderly ones, among them some from the Holocaust generation. Some of the drivers using this central Tel-Aviv artery raised their thumbs or sounded their horn in support.
By Dr. Jack Shepard — Monday, May 9, 2005 @ 8:16 am
Israeli Soldier shots child and let’s him bleed to death:Relatives of two Palestinains boys shot dead, May 4, 2005
By Dr. Jack Shepard
Opening live fire on unarmed 14 and
15- year old boys shows a deeply-rooted racist mentality. The boys’ age was clear to the officer who shot them. They could not have “endangered his life", as he claims, if they had not been quite close. He certainly would have found other ways to drive them off if they had been the children of orthodox Jews or settlers.
One of the boys was wounded only in the thigh. The wound was probably not mortal, but the boy was left to bleed to death. The army did not treat him, as it would have treated a wounded soldier. It seems that an ambulance from the village was not able to approach.
The protection of children is a profound human instinct. A person must be a hatred-ridden racist, or have a twisted mind, for this instinct to be put out of action, whatever the origin of the boys.
There is no more appropriate day to protest against such an act, and the mental attitudes lurking behind it, than Holocaust Day
At the very same time, the spontaneous demonstration in front of the Defense Ministry in Tel-Aviv was taking place. Its purpose was to protest the killing of two Palestinian boys, aged 14 and 15, at Beit Likiya village, during a demonstration against the Fence.
Uri Avnery; leader Gush-Shalom says “Aren’t You Ashamed?” the Government of Ariel Sharon likes to shot children and leave them to bleed to death! Shocking but true!
By Dr. Jack Shepard
by Dr. Jack Shepard, founder of People for Peace Group
join at

This is exactly how other Israeli Soldiers over 2 years ago killed British UN staffer Iain Hook; first they shot him in the back.
Then they blocked the ambulance from reaching Iain Hook causing him to bleed to death before he reached the hospital.
It is shocking that cold blooded murders of children is condoled by Ariel Sharon’s Government.
Especially this murder of children has created extreme hatred to spread through the Islamic World toward America and our brave Soldiers American serving in Iraq.
If Ariel Sharon does not keep is promises to President George W. Bush and continues to do everything in his power to block President George W. Bush’s vision of peace in the Middle East; our Mission in Iraq will be impossible to win.
Our American Troops will continue to die and suffer; because of the hatred toward America caused by these Atrocities and murder of 100’s of Palestinian children by the Israeli Military following orders of Ariel Sharon.
Ariel Sharon who really has no interest in supporting any peace effort with President Bush. Quite the opposite Ariel Sharon is now doing everything he possible can like condoling the killing of 5 young Palestinian boys in just the last 2 weeks just to infuriate the Palestinians end their cease-fire.
My fellow Americans must soon understand with allies like the Government of Ariel Sharon; who need enemies. 75% of the Israeli population wish peace not the continued war Ariel Sharon have created these last 4 years.
Until the American Press supports President Bush peace efforts in the Middle East by including the atrocities done by the Israeli Soldiers acting under the policies of Ariel Sharon which include the slaughter 100’s of Palestinian children; peace in Iraq and the entire Middle East with Ariel Sharon as the Prime Minister of Israel is impossible.
Ariel Sharon has placed the very safety of Israel and America in jeopardy; by creation a situation where now 1000’s of suicide bomber are rushing to Iraq to kill themselves and prevent America from ever winning our mission in Iraq and having our brave soldiers return home as winners.Ariel Sharon is now solely responsible for a dramatic worldwide increase of anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism.
Uri Avnery; leader Gush-Shalom wrote. join at
The use of lethal force on Palestinian demonstrators, even when they throw stones, expresses abysmal contempt for the life of non-Jews. That same officer would not have fired on Jewish demonstrators in similar circumstances. The thought would not even have crossed his mind. But Palestinians, and Arabs generally, are not considered full human beings.
Opening live fire on unarmed 14 and 15- year old boys shows a deeply-rooted racist mentality. The boys’ age was clear to the officer who shot them. They could not have “endangered his life", as he claims, if they had not been quite close. He certainly would have found other ways to drive them off if they had been the children of orthodox Jews or settlers.
One of the boys was wounded only in the thigh. The wound was probably not mortal, but the boy was left to bleed to death. The army did not treat him, as it would have treated a wounded soldier. It seems that an ambulance from the village was not able to approach.
The protection of children is a profound human instinct. A person must be a hatred-ridden racist, or have a twisted mind, for this instinct to be put out of action, whatever the origin of the boys.
There is no more appropriate day to protest against such an act, and the mental attitudes lurking behind it, than Holocaust Day
At the very same time, the spontaneous demonstration in front of the Defense Ministry in Tel-Aviv was taking place. Its purpose was to protest the killing of two Palestinian boys, aged 14 and 15, at Beit Likiya village, during a demonstration against the Fence.
Beit Likiya lies some kilometers south of Bil’in, the site of the large demonstration I reported on last week. The circumstances are similar: the land of Beit Likiya is also being stolen by the Fence. The bulldozers work from morning to night and their rattle, rather like a continuous burst of heavy-machine-gun fire, resonates around all the villages in the vicinity.
The villagers know that beyond this fence, on their land, their source of livelihood for many generations, new neighborhoods of the nearby settlement will be built. Like the villagers of Bil’in, they protest every day. Men, women and children march towards the armed soldiers, with blaring loudspeakers, lying down on the ground, chaining themselves to their olive trees, and sometimes the youngsters of the village throw stones and are brutally driven away by the soldiers.
When Jewish Israelis take part in the demonstrations, the soldiers generally use tear gas, stun grenades, rubber-coated steel bullets, and now also salt-bullets. When there are no Jews around, they may use live ammunition, too.
This time, a group of soldiers stood facing the village boys, who threw stones. Nobody was seriously hurt. Nobody’s life was in danger. But the commander, a lieutenant, fired live rounds. Two boys were killed.
One of the boys was wounded only in the thigh. The wound was probably not mortal, but the boy was left to bleed to death. The army did not treat him, as it would have treated a wounded soldier. It seems that an ambulance from the village was not able to approach.
Within a few hours, Israeli peace activists mounted a protest. The call was transmitted by word of mouth, by phone and e-mail. About 250 men and women gathered in front of the Defense Ministry, many young people, not a few elderly ones, among them some from the Holocaust generation. Some of the drivers using this central Tel-Aviv artery raised their thumbs or sounded their horn in support.
By Dr. Jack Shepard Monday, May 9, 2005 @ 8:16 am
Israeli Soldier shots child and let’s him bleed to death:Relatives of two Palestinains boys shot dead, May 4, 2005
By Dr. Jack Shepard
Opening live fire on unarmed 14 and
15- year old boys shows a deeply-rooted racist mentality. The boys’ age was clear to the officer who shot them. They could not have “endangered his life", as he claims, if they had not been quite close. He certainly would have found other ways to drive them off if they had been the children of orthodox Jews or settlers.
One of the boys was wounded only in the thigh. The wound was probably not mortal, but the boy was left to bleed to death. The army did not treat him, as it would have treated a wounded soldier. It seems that an ambulance from the village was not able to approach.
The protection of children is a profound human instinct. A person must be a hatred-ridden racist, or have a twisted mind, for this instinct to be put out of action, whatever the origin of the boys.
There is no more appropriate day to protest against such an act, and the mental attitudes lurking behind it, than Holocaust Day
At the very same time, the spontaneous demonstration in front of the Defense Ministry in Tel-Aviv was taking place. Its purpose was to protest the killing of two Palestinian boys, aged 14 and 15, at Beit Likiya village, during a demonstration against the Fence.