Mohammed Daud Miraki, MA, MA, PhD

All this time, I was trying to deceive myself that the people of this country are different and are not party to the devastation in Afghanistan and Iraq, but rather the government of this country is. I have finally past that point and forced myself to face the reality and submitted to the long held conclusion.
The conclusion is that there are no differences between the people of this country and its government. Even those that oppose this government are more eager to make their riches than to worry about the cost and pain their government and essentially they and their tax dollars have caused. When the US used massive amount of uranium munitions in Afghanistan, various types of cancers and deformities emerged in many parts of the country. I formed the Afghan DU & Recovery Fund in order to establish a research institute in Afghanistan to assess the long-term survivability and explore ways to improve their livelihood. To my utter disappointment, my long held false belief that the people of this country are kind, warmhearted and different from the fascist administration of George W Bush came to be completely unfounded.
When I leave for Afghanistan in the middle of May 2005, I will tell stories about America and its people to the victims of US bombing and to the victims of uranium munitions. I will tell them that in three years since I formed this organization besides a handful of people every one else sent their empathy than any thing tangible. The construction of the building for a research institute cost about $2,750000, the $400 donations do not cover that. You need to keep in mind that we are not asking for charity, we are asking for a minute percentage of the cost of a colossal disaster brought upon us by the government of this country and its people.
It is important that you realize that uranium munitions used in Afghanistan will be targeting generations of Afghans with perpetual deaths while you and your subsequent generations would be enjoying life. I realize that I am really straightforward and do not attempt to be diplomatic in my approach. The reason for this is my lack of patience with the indifference you the people of this country have shown for our efforts to bring relief to the victims of your own government and your own tax dollars. You have in essence telling us that you could care less about any conciliatory moves on the part of people like myself. Perhaps, you prefer to use George W Bush’s motto of saying ‘bring’m on’. I will not be surprised since that is exactly what I expect from you by now.
Finally, I will tell the so-called radicals there to keep up their good efforts of armed struggle since America and Americans only understand their own medicine. I will also tell the common people that the only solution to their miseries caused by uranium contamination is in their firm opposition to the United States. I will also tell them that the resulting cancers and deformities brought upon them will be with them for generations to come and they have to be prepared for the sufferings. I will tell them to be firm in their opposition to the US and wholeheartedly support the so-called fundamentalists, after all, only these fundamentalists know how to deal with America, American government and American people. Enjoy your lives!!!
Mohammed Daud Miraki, MA, MA, PhD
Director Afghan DU & Recovery Fund