Saturday 7 May, 10:30am
The Institute for Autonomy, 78 Gower St,London WC1
(nearest tubes: Russell Sq, Goodge St, Warren St. Buses: Tottenham Court Road)
Affinity Group Training
Saturday 7 May, 10:30am
The Institute for Autonomy, 78 Gower St,
London WC1. (Nearest tubes: Russell Sq, Goodge St, Warren St, Buses: Tottenham Court Rd.)
Improve your skills and knowledge for the G8 in July and
DSEi in September. A day of discussion,skill sharing and hands-on workshops with an emphasis on affinity group actions. Find out how to form a small group and work together to take effective action.
Proposed sessions so far include:
Affinity groups - how do they work? / Legal information
for activists / Medic workshop / Lock-ons, tripods and
other blockading techniques / Affinity groups on mass
actions inc. padding and dearrest / Smart actions -
blagging your way into places / Covert actions / Security
and Surveillance
Check nearer the time for full programme and let us know if there is anything else you’d like covered
DISARM DSEi hopes to put on further events like this between
now and September. Get in touch for more information.
BM Box 3679, London WC1N 3XX