building could do with a lick of paint and a general tidy. We also plan
to sort out the lack of lighting on the first floor, fit a shower,
finish the darkroom, install a door phone entry system and much more. So
put on some old clothes, grab anything you think might be useful (paint,
brushes, tools, etc.) and get down to the rampART for some social
cleaning fun to prepare the rampart for the coming months. We'll be
having a sunday supper and an evening meal (bring food to share) then
chilling out with some films and relaxed socialising.
* Sunday 10th
To celebrate and prepare for the coming months we are planning a BIG SPRING CLEAN! and you are invited...
The plan is to finally do all those jobs that have been constantly put off and to inject new life and energy into the building. As well as a generally tidy up and a lick of paint here and there, we also hope to finally install lights on the first floor, fit a shower for smelly out-of-town guests, move heavy things to better locations and chuck
out the unwanted tat that has been accumulating over the last 11 months.
So... everyone is invited (especially individuals or groups that have used the building in the past or might like to use the building in the future!)
Wear old clothes. If you have unwanted cans of paint, bring them. There will be a sunday lunch for those that arrive early (bring food to share). In the evening while chill out for some food, drink, music and film - a chance to relax, socialise and hatch wild plans for the future (perhaps we should do it as a live radio show?).
* Saturday 16th
Next weekend we have a benefit party for the Real2Reel video collective (see


.. in the general excitement and promise of spring, there are renewed efforts to increase the level of live and consitant output - especially regular news show. While the number of listeners on the internet stream is low there have been loads of people writting asking about syndicating material on other staions. RampART radio is already being rebroadcast on several FM stations outside of the UK, including regualar broadcasts in Holland on the countries only 24/7 pirate station and it is clear that there is a demand for regular orginal grassroot content. So, fancy trying your hand at reading the news or taking part in current affairs discussion or perhaps even creating an audio 'book' from the diaries of Jo Wilding in Iraq? If so, please get intouch.