The article is laid out in the same manner that a court summation usually is. It shows that there are two tapes of Bin Laden confessing to 9/11 and that mysteriously one of them, the "British video" has vanished.
It raises the possibility, through timeline analysis and public statements by Tony Blair, that the missing British video is the same as the American video that most have seen and asks about the implications.
It also analysis the timeline of the American video and proves with a high degree of accuracy that it was taped prior to the start of Operations in Afghanistan and strengthens the possibility that it is a product of western intelligence.
The article also raises the possibility that Osama Bin Laden could have been caught prior to the start of Operation in Afghanistan and was intentionally let go.
In order to walk the reader logically through the timeline analysis and lay out all pertinent information, the article might seem long but makes for easy reading.