(better late than never?)
it'll be screened on Weds 13th April - two days before McD's 50th b'day - on BBC4 at 9pm.
press release below to any journos/mailing lists.
> neater version at:

> 30 March 2005. Press Release from Spanner Films
> Franny Armstrong's documentary 'McLibel' will be
> broadcast on BBC4 on Weds 13th April at 9pm. It is
> released in cinemas in USA in May and on DVD
> worldwide on McDonald’s 50th birthday, 15/4/05.
> Filmed over ten years, this brand new, 85 minute feature
> version includes the McLibel defendants' victory at the
> European Court of Human Rights in February 2005.
> McLibel is the inside story of the postman and gardener
> who took on McDonald’s. And won.
> McDonald’s often used the UK libel laws to suppress
> criticism. Major media organisations like the BBC and The
> Guardian crumbled and apologised. But then they sued
> gardener Helen Steel, now 39, and postman Dave Morris,
> now 50.
> In the longest trial in English legal history, the "McLibel Two"
> represented themselves against McDonald's £10 million legal team.
> Every aspect of the corporation's business was cross-examined: from junk food
> and McJobs, to animal cruelty, environmental damage and advertising to children.
> Outside the courtroom, Dave brought up his young son alone
> and Helen supported herself working nights in a bar.
> McDonald's tried every trick in the book against them. Legal manoeuvres.
> A visit from Ronald McDonald. Top executives flying to
> London for secret settlement negotiations. Even spies.
> Seven years later, in February 2005, the marathon legal
> battle finally concluded at the European Court of Human Rights.
> And the result took everyone by surprise - especially the British Government.
> McLibel is not just about hamburgers. It is about the
> importance of freedom of speech now that multinational
> corporations are more powerful than countries.
> Filmed over ten years by no-budget Director Franny Armstrong (Drowned Out),
> McLibel is the David and Goliath story of two people who
> refused to say sorry. And in doing so, changed the world.
> "McDonald’s have been raking in their profits for 50 years
> and all of society has paid the price." says defendant Dave Morris,
> “We should look forward to their funeral, not their birthday.”
> "We had no idea when we got the writs in 1990 that it would turn into a 15 year battle,"
> says defendant Helen Steel "but there was no way I could ever apologise to McDonald's.
> It's them who should be apologising to society."
> "Who said ordinary people can’t change the world?"
> says Director Franny Armstrong.
> "In a longterm sense, McDonald’s are in big trouble", says Eric Schlosser, author of 'Fast Food Nation',
> in the new film, noting that McDonald’s experienced their
> first ever loss in 2002 and closed 175 restaurants in 10 countries.
> "McLibel had a great deal to do with that in terms of unleashing this torrent of criticism."
> "McLibel definitely paved the way for my movie” says Morgan Spurlock,
> director of smash hit documentary, ‘Super Size Me’.
> -> WORLD PREMIERE at the Curzon Soho cinema on Saturday April 9th at 4pm,
> followed by a Q&A with McLibel defendants Helen Steel & Dave Morris,
> and Director Franny Armstrong.
> -> BBC BROADCAST on BBC4 at 9pm on 13th April 2005,
> two days before McDonald’s 50th birthday.
> BBC press contact: Nicola Richardson, 020 8752 6988.
> -> “Birthday or Last Rites?” public meeting with Helen Steel, Dave Morris,
> Franny Armstrong and other speakers on McDonald’s 50th birthday, 15/4/05.
> At Conway Hall, Red Lion Square,
> London WC1. Entrance £3. 6pm till 11pm. Includes screening of the film, launch of the
> DVD and entertainment.
> -> NEW DVD with more than four hours of extras,
> including commentary track of all McDonald’s greatest quotes from the last 50 years,
> voiced by comedian Rob Newman.
> Available from 15/4/05 from www.spannerfilms.net/shop
> -> US CINEMA RELEASE in April/ May by Cinema Libre,
> who distributed hit doc 'Outfoxed'. Cinema Libre press
> contact:

> -> WORLD TV SALES. 24 countries currently considering broadcasts.
> Sarah Winborn. 07748 647550.

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