London Indymedia

The Sun will come out the day after tomorrow

Simon Willace | 02.04.2005 01:00 | Analysis | Indymedia | London

Bet your bottom dollar,
the sun will come out tomorrow
but it will not report the news tomorrow
come what may....

Following Murdoch’s haste in leaving the sinking ship and securing a new base of opperations, I wondered what he was up to.

There is more news to be found in news that is left out of the news.

27 detainees were killed in sus circumstances in Afghan prisons by the US army.

So it can be revealed but not by Murdoch

Nearly treble the amounts of westerners executed by insurgents in Iraq were done in by brave righteous western armies.

Not the same thing?
No its more evil to do death our way, and defiantly more brutal, in US custody prisoners were tortured and beaten to death, it was slow and very painful.
The Victims were just in the same way dragged off the street because of their appearance, but only Raped and sexually abused if caught in the war on terror. Westerners were terrorized and then quickly dispatched in ritual decapitations in the open view, and shot on a video.

I always say if you have nothing to hide, then why hide?

We do our killing behind the news, in secret, it will not make the headlines because we are civilized?

While Afghanistan is being turned into a prison by the US occupation and the Cuban detention facility looks set to be abandoned these gems escape the mainstream view.

Suspected enemy combatant’s and terror suspects are being shipped back to the death camps of Afghanistan at great expense while the coalition pretends the war on Muslims, is going smoothly.

Apparently US courts have rejected the Bush Bullshit which means a rethink of policy; Bush is still determined to seek permanent sentences for all current detainees, pointing out that the War on Terror will go on for eternity so we need to accept he will not act humanly.

So kids, this can only mean that UKIM has a vital role to play

Murdoch is not a very nice man, a kin to any ringleader of terror and regimes of absolute power.
His intention so it would seem was to set up operations in America recently, and from all sides it was a wise move, as indicated by the applause of the shareholders.

That bit was in the news

Australia was said to be sad to see him move off shore but as a first Free Trade loss went state-side the Glib-librals under gnome office rules were resigned to the allowing the request and signed the release forms without a second thought.

I wonder whether they had any idea what was on Rupert’s agenda.

No sooner had Rupert set up a media drive through in the states, he turned left with solid right wing intention and is now registered and trading out of a Caribbean tax haven with the rest of the GWB crew. The Island havenb supports Halliburton sot the premeditations are plain every step of the way with the allegiance and neocon links lighting the way

This represents a multi billion dollar annual tax saving against any offers he may have been pretending to be considering globally, it also shelters him from international law, if indeed that exists in this galaxy.

And more pointedly this news has not filtered through to any one of his 186 news papers.

The proposal and request to leave Australia by Murdock never mentioned the Caribbean plan, Australia acted with respect to allow a free exchange of resources between it and the US so that the game plan would set future free trade exchanges.

Were they duped or what?

On other news Richards, Virgin Blue has been bought out by Australia’s very own, or someone’s, Patrick Corporation.
Branson is in a pickle but he’ll get a bonus on his share portfolio, good for business shouldn’t wonder, and he has got enough going on.

The link here is that the take over was not reported in Australian news papers, VB is Australians third larges carrier, Branson is rarely out of the news, so all this is good copy, so why the mystery?

What are you missing out on?

How about the case of the amazing coincidence of a Billion Dollar Australian Tsunami Aid Package to Indonesia.

It’s headline material

A few years ago much to UN disgust Australia Stole Timor Oil; After Timor was liberated from Indonesia.

This Heist of the century (its early days yet with regard to oil) occurred in full view and plain sight, but disguised as benevolent action, on a parallel with the so called Freedom and Liberation Iraq oil War.
The heist effectively assured Timor of 20% of the available oil while Australia got the rights to 80% of current and future finds.

This robs Timor of an income because they have no funds to exploit their share while in no fit state to demand better treatment and no higher court to protest foul play.

To take full advantage AUS Gov Inc under Howard CEO Authority dissolved the Maritime agreement to permit sea territory surrounding Timor to fall within the Australian Claim.
Then in 2002 Australia enforced the Saharto Gap Treaty signed in the 1970’s to secure the bulk of natural resources not for the original 50-50 indo/Aus split but to translate the score to a very tidy 80/2o% in Australia's favor.

Now that the weak and unable to defend its self ‘Timor’ was in the picture, Indonesia no longer could interfere, and the UN became involved.

Talks stalled, and the UN chief of the case took a break midway through negotiations after receiving orders to setup UN operations in Iraq during 2002/3 and got blown up for his trouble.

Indonesia was not happy, but ever willing to please as an epilogue to the story of dirty dealings. Australia will release 1 billion dollars in appeasements to Jakarta over the next five years which incidentally is what Timor should have received over the same period from its righteous 50/50 split of oil.

Not that Murdoch would want to report what goes on behind the news.

Thankyou for your time

Simon Willace
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BBC news

05.04.2005 11:18

BBC 'news' often leaves things out too, because it's just as political as The Sun or any other source. The difference with the BBC is that if you don't contribute cash for their version of the news, they send the boys round d you get fined or worse.



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