Zimbabwean exiles and UK supporters urged a “general strike and people’s uprising to overthrow President Mugabe’s tyranny”, today Thursday 31 March 2005.
They were protesting outside the Zimbabwe High Commission in London, coinciding with today’s elections in Zimbabwe, which they condemn as “rigged” by Mugabe’s party, Zanu-PF. They say the elections are “not free, not fair”.
Photos of the protest: Guy Smallman – 07956 429 059
The exiles are backing calls by the Catholic Archbishop of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Pius Ncube, who has called for a Ukraine-style “non-violent popular uprising” to secure democracy and human rights.
They are urging the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions to call a general strike to topple Mugabe, and are calling for mass street protests.
One of the exiled Zimbabwean protestors, Violet, who fled Mugabe’s dictatorship, said: “Mugabe has rigged the elections. What we need now is for the people of Zimbabwe to rise up in mass protests to bring down his regime.”
Human rights campaigner, Peter Tatchell, of gay rights group OutRage!, joined the protest. He said: “While I normally have little sympathy for the Catholic Church, the Archbishop of Bulawayo has taken a courageous, defiant stand against Mugabe. His call for non-violent rebellion deserves international support and solidarity.”
The protestors, supported by members of the gay human rights group OutRage!, waved Zimbabwean flags and held aloft placards with the slogans:
“General Strike to Topple Killer Mugabe”
“Forward to Freedom in Zimbabwe – People’s Revolution Now!”
“Power to the People! Rise up and overthrow Mugabe!”
“Victory to People Power – Overthrow Mugabe!”
Photos – click here for free use OutRage! photos of the protest: