beef, fish, lumber, tourism etc. until sealclubbing ends



animal abusers

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Boycott Canadian Beef, Lumber, Fish, tourism etc
Dear Friend,
It has begun.
At 7:34 a.m., I watched the barbaric clubbing of one of the first
baby seals killed on Canada's ice floes this season, signaling the
start of the largest commercial slaughter of marine mammals on the
It was not easy to watch. And it won't be easy to stop. It will
require the unrelenting pressure of people like you and me who will
not stand idly by while hunters methodically beat, skin, and kill
these defenseless animals. But we can and will stop it--with your
help. On this tragic day, I urge you to join me in stopping the seal
hunt forever by making a donation to our Protect Seals campaign.
Simply click here.
I'm in Canada leading a skilled and dedicated team of professionals
from The Humane Society of the United States.
The seal hunt has begun.
Join us in stopping it.
Donate now.
We're here to document the awful abuses and violations of Canada's
own regulations by those who hunt the seals. Shockingly, an
independent team of veterinarians who studied the seal hunt concluded
that up to 42% of the seal pups they studied were probably skinned
while still alive and conscious. I can't even begin to describe to
you the plight of these helpless seal pups as they are callously
slaughtered right in front of each other.
This year, more than 300,000 seals will be killed because Canadian
lobbying groups unjustifiably claim that seals hurt the country's
commercial fisheries. Tragically, many of these beautiful animals
will be as young as 12 days old when they are slaughtered. Your
donation today will help us go head to head with the fishing industry
and the Canadian government as we create a public outcry so loud--and
an international boycott so effective--that Canada will no longer be
able to ignore it.
Together, we will stop the seal hunt forever. Please, make your
contribution today, and join me in making a personal commitment to
this massive effort. Click here.
Thank you for all that you do on behalf of animals and for your
support during this tragic time on the Canadian ice.
Rebecca Aldworth
Director of Canadian Wildlife Issues
The Humane Society of the United States
God's angels, intervene to turn the weapons of Newfoundland
sealclubbers against themselves.. sufficient to make
them stop now and forever
Posted by sb11 on 03-30-2005 12:18 AM:

Bad science further threatening Canadian marine ecosystems
Wed 09 March 2005, Toronto, CANADA
Greenpeace today released a report demonstrating that the science
presented by the Canadian Government to justify its commercial seal
hunt is inaccurate, incomplete and out of date. It concludes that the
only sustainable and scientifically justifiable course of action must
be to suspend the commercial hunt immediately.
The Canadian Government's three-year Atlantic Seal Hunt Management
Plan (for the period 2003-2005) allows the largest commercial hunt of
harp seals since total allowable catches (TACs) were first introduced
in 1971. Even if management conditions are strictly adhered to, the
hunt is expected to result in substantial reductions in harp seal
populations over time.
"It is irresponsible and scientifically unjustifiable of the Canadian
Government to allow the killing of nearly a million seals when their
own scientists are unable to accurately substantiate the size of the
herd, the actual number of seals taken in the hunt or the impact of
external pressures like climate change on the health of the
population," said Mhairi Dunlop from Greenpeace International. "The
Canadian Government has a long history of mismanaging marine
ecosystems, yielding to the short-term interests of the fishing and
sealing industries at great cost to jobs and marine life."
The report, "Canadian Seal Hunt: No Management and No Plan", provides
an historical and ecological background against which the scientific
justifiability and ecological sustainability of the current and
proposed future Canadian harp seal hunts can be evaluated. In
particular, it documents the diversity of threats facing seal
populations, including the commercial hunt itself, and discusses the
known and perceived interactions of harp seals with other components
of the ecosystem and with commercial fisheries.
Among the report findings are:
- Failure to accurately reflect the actual number of seals killed in
the hunt rendering the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) quota
figures scientifically indefensible. The TAC or quota for harp seals
in 2003-2005 is 975,000 but this figure does not take into account
seals that are 'struck and lost': illegally hunted, killed and
discarded due to pelt damage and those killed for their organs and
therefore not included in the pelt count.
- Population projections are based on assumptions that environmental
and biological factors remain unchanged over the short and long term,
a premise that is highly questionable in light of the escalating
impact of climate change on the oceans and ice conditions.
- Quotas are based on a seal census conducted at five year intervals.
Because the hunt focuses on seal pups (nearly 95% will be over 14
days old but under one year old) that do not reach breeding age for
five years, impacts on the herd can take as many as 10 years to show
up and 15 years to establish any meaningful trends. This renders DFO
conservation milestones and monitoring virtually meaningless.
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans claim a "precautionary
approach" to marine protection is a key principle of their management
model. If they are true to their principles they will stop the hunt
in light of this report.
news photos
latest videos
Contact information
Mhairi Dunlop, Greenpeace International, (tel) +1 416 597 8408 ext
3017 (mobile) +31 646 162 026
Bruce Cox, Greenpeace Canada, (tel) +1 416 597 8408 ext 3012 (mobile)
+1 416 419 7341
Dr Paul Johnston, Greenpeace Research Laboratories, UK +44 139 226
3917 (mobile) +44 781 389 0492
God remove the Republican Party, war profiteers, warmongers, animal
butchers and environmental rapists from power now.
Thank You for giving joy peace love healing supply now and forever to
all beings
Posted by sb11 on 03-30-2005 12:24 AM:
Levin Leads Congressional Opposition to Canada's Seal Hunt
(but not to war in Iraq)
February 24, 2005
As he did during the last session of Congress, U.S. Senator Carl
Levin (D-MI) again demonstrated strong leadership in protecting
wildlife by organizing a bipartisan group of senators to support a
resolution condemning the brutal Canadian seal hunt.
Introduced on February 1, Senate Resolution 33 urges the government
of Canada to end the commercial seal hunt. Citing a 2001 veterinary
report by the International Fund for Animal Welfare, the resolution
denounces Canadian seal hunting for failing "to comply with basic
animal welfare regulations in Canada." Levin introduced a similar
resolution in November 2003.
"As many as 42 percent of the seals studied were likely skinned while
alive and conscious," the statement reads.
Calling the hunt "a commercial slaughter carried out by nonnative
people from the East Coast of Canada," the document contests Canada's
contention that the seals are responsible for depleted cod stocks.
"The consensus among the international scientific community is that
seals are not responsible for the collapse of cod stocks," the
resolution declares, "and because the seals consume predators of
commercial cod stocks, removing the seals might actually inhibit
recovery of cod stocks."
The resolution reflects the outrage experienced by many Americans
upon learning that Canada had increased the quota of seals that
hunters may club and shoot to 975,000 over the next three years.
Since The HSUS launched its Protect Seals campaign in June 2003,
Americans and Canadians alike have written thousands of letters of
protest to then-Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, Canada's
Ambassador to the United States Michael Kergin, Minister of the
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Robert Thibault, and the Canadian
Tourism Commission. In March, activists rallied against the hunt at
the Canadian Embassy in Washington, D.C.
Senators Joseph Biden (D-DE), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Maria Cantwell (D-
WA), Susan Collins (R-ME), Christopher Dodd, (D-CT), Byron Dorgan (D-
ND), Durbin, Richard (D-IL), Russell Feingold (D-WI), Dianne
Feinstein (D-CA), James Jeffords (I-VT), Tim Johnson (D-SD), Kennedy,
Edward M. (D-MA), Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Richard Lugar (R-IN),
Patty Murray (D-WA), Jack Reed (D-RI), Paul Sarbanes (D-MD), Charles
Schumer (D-NY), Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), and Ron Wyden (D-OR) are
cosponsoring the resolution.
Agreement from Abroad
Levin and his colleagues are not the only political figures to
criticize Canada's seal hunt. On November 4, 2003, conservative David
Amess, M.P., read a statement to the United Kingdom's Parliament
calling the killing of baby seals "cruel."
The Canadian government has "effectively declared war on seals,"
Amess noted in the debate over his motion to oppose the seal hunt,
which was signed by 159 members of parliament. Later the same day,
British Foreign Office Minister Mike O'Brian announced that the
United Kingdom would put pressure on Canada to ban commercial seal
International concerns center on the shocking brutality of the hunt,
the unsustainable quota, and the de facto subsidization of the hunt
by unwilling Canadian taxpayers. As Senator Levin described in his
statement in the Congressional Record, "The images from this
senseless slaughter are difficult to view but even harder to accept:
skinning of live animals, some no older than 12 days, and the
dragging of live seals across the ice using steel hooks.
The hunt is making Canada a pariah in the global community. HSUS
marine mammal scientist Dr. Naomi Rose puts it plainly: "The Canadian
seal hunt is the largest commercial slaughter of wildlife in the
world. This is hardly an achievement Canada should want to be known
for. It is a hunt whose quotas are not supported by science?placing
the Canadian management agencies at the trailing edge of resource
management practices."
What You Can Do
With a distinguished group of U.S. senators speaking on behalf of the
growing number of concerned Americans, the Canadian government should
act now to end the carnage. Find out how you can do your part to
support the resolution.