on Health. call for papers/ abstracts..
Environmental Health Risk 2005
Third International Conference on the Impact of Environmental Factors
on Health
14 - 16 September 2005, Bologna, Italy

Dear Colleague
RE: Environmental Health Risk 2005: Paper Deadline 13 May 2005
A quick note to remind you that if you would like to present a Paper at
the forthcoming international conference on the Impact of Environmental
Factors on Health, you will need to submit your abstract now. Note that
the paper deadline is 13 May 2005.
Abstracts can be submitted via our website at:

Alternatively please email or fax your submission:

We look forward to receiving your abstract, and welcoming your
contribution in what promises to be a most successful conference in 2005.
Yours sincerely
Katie Banham
Conference Secretariat
**If you have already submitted your Abstract - thank you. You do not
need to re-submit it**
Please forward this information to anyone you feel may be interested or
would benefit from this information. They can subscribe by e-mailing
