Maarssen, March 21st 2005
Following the call for an international action day against DSEi, one of the worlds biggest arms trade fairs, Onkruit has decorated the dutch head office of Reed with slogans and glued their locks last night. DSEi is organised every two year
s by Spearhead, part of Reed International. By organising this fair, where not only conventional weapons but also mines and clusterbombs are traded, Reed profits from mass murder. There is no possible excuse for this and we demand that Reed shuts down all it's affairs in the military sector. Apart from that we make a call to everyone to travel to London from september 13th till 16th to join the protests against DSEi.
Apart from their involvement in DSEi, Reed also organises ITEC, a military fairthat will be held from 26th till 28th of april in Amsterdam. Once again bloodshed is no objection for Reed to make profit. Although no 'real' arms are traded at ITEC, the warsimulation-equipment that this fair focusses on is an essential aspect of war preparation. More actions against ITEC are organised, starting with a manifestation and blockade on the 26th of april at 13.00h in front of hals 9 and 10 of the RAI, Amsterdam. We call for everyone to join in and organise further actions.
No blood for profit! Destroy the arms fairs!
Onkruit is not an actiongroup, but a group of actions. The name can be used freely for any anti-militarist direct action.
The Onkruit support group is a collective that wishes to support Onkruit actions and the antimilitarist struggle in general.
More information on DSEi can be found on:

More information on ITEC can be found on:

Hide the following 10 comments
21.03.2005 20:31
Aslef Shop Steward
No excuse
22.03.2005 00:10
Onkruit support group
Grow up
22.03.2005 08:51
Some of us have to live in the real world and don't have the luxury of your moral high ground on which to look down at the world.
Tony (Aslef Shop Steward)
And their lickspittles too
22.03.2005 09:20
Don't play with warmongers
moral high ground does not exist
22.03.2005 11:41
el gormo
"el gormo !"
22.03.2005 13:51
Wait until you leave university and live a little. Until thing don't pontificate on matters you don't understand.
Rail Worker
Playing with warmongers
24.03.2005 07:17
"Wait until you leave university and live a little. Until thing don't pontificate on matters you don't understand."
Yeah - thats probably cos in the real world we have a bunch of fat cat unionists without balls.
Besides the fact that there is nothing in El Gormo's post to suggest s/he is a student - Tony and cohorts provide no explanation of why they aren't insisting that training is provided in a non-militarised environment.
Why not remedy that now?
Grown Up
The silence of the suits
25.03.2005 18:12
Seems they still like to celebrate the ones who used to:
Aslef's magazine for March has this picture and caption on its letter page (
"Last month Chinese railway workers marked the 82nd anniversary of
the Great Strike of 7 February 1927 to demand workers’ rights and
freedom from the oppression of northern warlords. Scores died at
the hands of strike breaking gunmen. Warlord Wu Peifu, backed by
Japanese forces, suppressed the strikers, resulting in the February 7
Massacre. Lin Xiangqian, president of the Jiang’an branch of the
Jinghan Railway Trade Union, and Shi Yang, a union legal adviser,
were killed by Wu’s gunmen and more than 1,000 workers were
also fired after the strike. Our picture shows the memorial relief."
In 2005 Aslef shop stewards are going to be on the wrong side of the barricades.
Apparently they think that "growing up" means having no conscience
Grown Up
The picture ......
25.03.2005 18:31
The Great Strike of 1927
Grown Up
the real world?
25.03.2005 23:49
i'm not here to wait.
Gordon Guzzler