For permission to copy and use, see CopyLeft at the end of the story below the photos.
For links to the other sets of photos, see one of the comments at the foot of this page.
Peaceful pink protestor or golden global gangster?
What's on the end of the stick, Vic? PEACE, n'yer can keep ya Lord Nelson n'all!
Some people just don't seem satisfied with Police-sanctioned A-B marches
The plain and simple truth in black and white, by reds
Consistent, congruent and creative
Hey, who shredded the Geneva Conventions? Yes siree, Dubya 'n' Tonee!
Iranians and Tibetans make common cause
And what if there is no justice, just us?
Public sector unions were very much in evidence
Variety is the spice of protest
Kudos to the Bury Coalition for the full colour banner artwork
Unfortunately, my camera battery was exhausted by the time I reached the rally in Trafalgar Square, so I had to resort to my PDA's camera - hence the drop in resolution and clarity.
Demonstration called by the Stop The War Coalition , CND and the Muslim Association of Britain .
For the most politically astute coverage and analysis of the ongoing UK/US barbarism in Iraq (42 stories and counting), I recommend the International Communist Current's 'War in Iraq' portal page:

In International Solidarity,
Tim D Jones
All these photos are 'CopyLeft'. This means you are free to copy and distribute any of my photos you find here, under the following license:
Copyright ©2004 Tim D Jones
Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute copies of these photographs, in any medium, for personal and not-for-profit purposes, provided that this copyright notice and permission notice are preserved, and that the distributor grants the recipient permission for further redistribution as permitted by this notice.
Modified versions may not be made. Accreditation:

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