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Defend Gay Muslim:March 16.Ldn

pirate | 15.03.2005 16:48 | Social Struggles | London | World

A demo to defend a gay muslim asylum seeker.

8 AM sharp- Great Eastern Hotel,Liverpool St,London.

From: 'OutRage!News Service'
Date: Mar 14 2005, 09:56 AM

Protest 16 March: Defend Gay Muslim

Deutsche Bank accused of racism and homophobia

You are invited to join this Wednesday’s protest to support a
victimised gay Muslim bank employee, Sid Saeed, who has lodged a claim
against one of the world’s biggest financial institutions, Deutsche
Bank. He is alleging racist and homophobic harassment (full details

Wednesday 16 March 2005
8am sharp
Great Eastern Hotel
Liverpool Street (50 yards from the corner with Bishopsgate)
London EC2
Nearest tube and rail station: Liverpool Street (100 yards away,
around the corner)

The protest is timed to coincide with a major conference organised by
Deutsche Bank, involving chief executives and directors from some of
the biggest-name companies in Britain and Europe. The aim of the
protest is to expose and shame Deutsche Bank in front of some of their
most important business partners. The media will be alerted. We expect
good coverage.

Through this adverse publicity, it is hoped that Deutsche Bank (and
other city finance houses) will be pressured to ensure they have
effective equal opportunities policies, including a zero tolerance
policy towards racist and homophobic harassment.

Please join us to show solidarity with gay Muslim, Sid Saeed. Winning
this battle will not only help secure justice for Sid, but also help
ensure a safer, fairer workplace for others too.

The protest is being organised by Sid’s family, with the support of
the National Union of Students, the Student’s Union at SOAS, and the
queer rights group OutRage!

Further information:

Nimo Saeed – 0777 16 44 448
Brett Lock – 0770 843 5917


Gay Muslim fights bank harassment

Battle against racist and homophobic victimisation

LONDON – March 2005

A gay Muslim employee has bought a claim of racial victimisation and
homophobic harassment against the London division one of the world’s
biggest financial institutions, the German conglomerate, Deutsche

Mr Sid Saeed, whose parents settled in Britain from Pakistan, was a
city high flier. As futures and options business manager, he rose to
become vice-president of Deutsche Bank’s global exchange services
division, based in the Square Mile.

Mr Saeed claims that in 2001 he began to be subjected to racist and
homophobic abuse by senior managers. He alleges they called him a
“fucking fag” and “gay boy”, made abusive remarks about “shit
stabbers”, and said “not only is Sid a Paki, but he’s a queer.”

Some of these claims have already been verified in a previous
investigation and others will be confirmed by witnesses who are
scheduled to testify on Mr Saeed’s behalf.

Coinciding with this abuse, his meteoric rise in the company suddenly
stalled. With his prestigious career falling part, Mr Saeed had a
nervous breakdown, sank into a deep depression, attempted suicide four
times and had to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

A report on Mr Saeed’s case alleges that three days after he made his
complaints about the harassment he had suffered, Deutsche Bank cut all
funding for his treatment, resulting in his sudden discharge from the
psychiatric hospital where he was receiving care.

Deutsche Bank deny the accusations against them and are contesting Mr
Saeed’s legal action.

This is the first claim against a city firm under the new laws
prohibiting homophobic discrimination in the workplace.

Mr Saeed is being advised and supported by gay human rights group
OutRage!, which is planning a campaign against Deutsche Bank if the
case is not satisfactorily resolved.

“The equal opportunities policy of Deutsche Bank appears to be in
effectual and unenforced,” said Brett Lock of OutRage!

“These allegations suggest a culture of corporate indifference to
racist and homophobic harassment.

“We hope this legal action will be a warning to other big city firms
that tolerating anti-gay and anti-black victimisation in the workplace
is illegal and unacceptable in a civilised society.

“It is in Deutsche Bank’s interest to ensure that all its employees
feel respected and secure. Racial and sexual orientation harassment
undermine staff morale and damage a company’s public reputation, which
is bad for business.

“OutRage! is willing to advise Deutsche Bank on ensuring its equal
opportunities policy has effective mechanisms for enforcement and
redress,” said Mr Lock.

Mr Saeed is being represented by Mark Emery, a specialist in
employment law at Bindman and Partners Solicitors (020 7833 4433).

Further information:

Brett Lock and Peter Tatchell, OutRage! 0770 843 5917




Hide the following 12 comments

This post should be deleted

15.03.2005 18:45

Lest the sensibilities of our muslim comrades be offended this post should be deleted.
You cannot be gay and a muslim.


The only solution - revolution.


Intolerant Islam

15.03.2005 19:53

" Lest the sensibilities of our muslim comrades be offended this post should be deleted.
You cannot be gay and a muslim. "

That's right!! Moslems kill gay men and women. Islam is based on intolerance.

Muhamed "Ayisha" Al Musar

Gay Muslims

15.03.2005 20:23

I guess the above comment is a dig at the controversial relationship between the Socialist Workers Party, parts of Ken Livingstone's Socialist Action camp and conservative Muslim organisations such as the M.A.B. Such criticism is of course legitimate, as it raises concerns about how radical / anti-capitalist groups form alliances and with whom. However, the phrase 'you cannot be gay and Muslim' assumes that the M.A.B.'s slant on Islam is the only one. Which would be like saying that war mongering gay-haters like the American Family Association are the only type of Christian. Quakers, Unitarians, Christian Communists and so on prove otherwise. Likewise, there are also Muslim organisations which have different interpretions of theology and see no contradiction for LGBT Muslims. Al-Fatiah is the international network; Imaan is the UK based organisation representing gay Muslims. Both have good website resources and Imaan hosts seminars and conferences. The Muslim Canadian Congress and the women's Safra Project are also amongst those organisations who have no problem with gay participants.

Independent Left

it can be

15.03.2005 20:27

There are gay Christians why can't you be a gay Muslim then???


chill out

16.03.2005 00:16

listen, its simple.

a muslim is someone who submits to Allah's law. Allah hates homosexuality and therefore practising homosexuality is against Allah's law ( as illustrates in the quran with the story of sodom and gomera and Lot) therefore if u practise homosexuality by the defination of the quran you are not a muslim.

having said that...there are millions of gay pakis, afghans, arabs you name it - however religious practising muslims like myself never practise homosexuality even if they feel the urge coz god forbade it in no uncertain terms - geddit?


More Contacts for LGBT Muslims

16.03.2005 06:59

If 'Henna', or any other gay Muslim for that matter, would like to discuss with others how to reconcile their sexuality with their cultural and religious background, then in addition to the organisations Al-Fatiah, Imaan, and the Safra Project mentioned earlier, there are also

Himat - support group for gay men of South Asian origin, e-mail

You can pick up Himat Rakho!, the introductory leaflet to Himat, free in Tower Hamlets NHS facilitiers, or in most gay venues in the capital.

The Naz Project - covering all aspects of sexual health for persons of South Asian descent at

Many thanks to the Black Gay Mens Advisory Group for providing pointers to these extra resources.



Independent Left

Is it just me.....

16.03.2005 10:53

Is it just me, or does anyone else think that Peter Tatchell will become the new David Icke? Seems obsessed with muslims and anyone who isn't white. Could fight for an equal age of consent, pension rights for gay couples etc here where he could actually achieve change, rather than the self serving publicity stunts with racist overtones he seems to be attracted to at the moment. Half expecting him to turn up in a shell suit and announce he's been beamed up from Venus etc. Also very sad that people on Indymedia are so keen to follow the governments agenda re: bashing the muslims. After all, we don't have any homophobia, sexual inequality, domestic violence or religeous extremism in white, western cultures do we, particularly not in the United States, which isn't run by a Fundamentalist Christian retard and has brilliant laws on gay marriage. Seems all the people complaining about the muslims are the same old zionist trolls and their nazi allies who are bored with trying to tell people they are superior to everyone else due to the shape of their skulls. Fuck off and fuck you, you racist bastards.

Just wondering

"Just Wondering" - for a good reason

16.03.2005 12:26

The reason "Just Wondering" is just wondering is simple. He is incredibly uninformed about the state of gay rights in the UK.

Firstly, we've had an equal age of consent for years - which is something Outrage and other groups campaigned for very stregnuously - with some of the largest gat rights protests ever. Gay couples already have pension rights, and even more rights will be secured when the Civil Partnership Act goes into force laterthis year.

Furthermore, both Tatchell and Outrage have had many confrontations with the Church of England and the Catholic Church - ambusing archbishops and disrupting televised ceremonies - thay have never been this aggressive against Muslim clerics.

There is no need for British gay groups to get involved in US gay politics because the US has its own organised gay activist and campaigning groups.

Ask yourself - do gay groups "bash" fundamentalist Muslim leaders for the fun of it, or do you think this might have something to do with these leaders attacking the rights and dignity of gay people? Perhaps instead of spreading lies about gay rights activists, the best way to stop gay activists confronting Muslim clerics is to get these clerics to stop their persecution of gays.

Funny, when gays stand up for themselves and confront homophobia peddled by the Muslim fundamentalist lobby (note, not all Muslims, as you seem to be implying) then you get all hot under the ollar - but you have nothing to say about the homophobia of these groups which brings them into conflict with gay activists in the first place. Obviously we little faggots are second class citizens in your eyes with no right to defend ourselves against our attackers. Right now, a bloc of Muslim countries, together with the Vatican are organising to block sexual orientation (again - they successfully did so last year) being included in the United Nations Charter on Human Rights.

As I recall, what did Outrage do last year to protest this? They ambushed the Catholic cardinal during the annual Easter procession. What did they do against the Muslim countries involved. Nothing! So there's your double standards for you - if you're looking for some.

And what do you say, "Just Wondering" about the execution of gays in the Middle East? Nothing! Because, I suppose you think that a few dead queers is a small price to pay for protecting your charming 'anti imperialist' credentials. Wouldn't want any protest about a few sodomites on death row in Iran, or tortured in the jails of Egypt - that might have "racist overtones".

Why are gay lives expendible? Why should Muslim homophobia be tolerated? That's what I'm... just wondering.



16.03.2005 12:37

What a load of nonsense (the comments, not the protest itself which seems fair enough!)

This is obvious divide-and-rule, trying to set gay rights vs anti-racism. Rubbish. There's no problem with being for gay rights and against anti-Muslim racism.

And as to the accusations against SWP + MAB, how come that Respect (in which both are central players) has clear pro gay rights policy? How come they were highly visible on the Gay Pride march?

Stop believing what you read on right-wing pro-war websites. Get out into the real world and find out what people actually think and do.



16.03.2005 19:36

Just Wondering muttered...
"Is it just me, or does anyone else think that Peter Tatchell will become the new David Icke? Seems obsessed with muslims and anyone who isn't white. Could fight for an equal age of consent, pension rights for gay couples etc here where he could actually achieve change, rather than the self serving publicity stunts with racist overtones he seems to be attracted to at the moment."

What the hell are you on about? How on Earth does protesting against Deutsche bank over racist and homophobic harassment suffered by a gay Muslim employee have "racist overtones"?

And by the way, the age of consent is already equal and gays do now get pension rights, which just goes to show how ignorant you are about gay issues. That change has been achieved.

But this really takes the cake - on what basis do you denounce our support for a gay Muslim as "racist"?

Brett Lock

Brett Lock
mail e-mail:
- Homepage:

Left Debate

16.03.2005 23:29

Brett, I think the answer to your question about the origin of these accusations levelled at OutRage! rests in the current state of debate amongst progressive, left and activist circles. I don't know whether it is the anonymity of open access internet posting, or whether activist groups just attract unpleasant personalities, but it seems like some people prefer hysterical and wild attacks rather than informed or reasoned debate. Whilst I'd be the first to admit that I have major differences of opinion with Mr Tatchell on certain issues, the notion that he or any other gay rights campaigners are in the pay of Nazis or Zionists is plain embarrassing. Sadly, the infantile state of affairs seems to be translated into real life. The number of times I've witnessed anti-capitalist groups confronting or even physically assaulting each other on demos is pretty depressing. Maybe separatist feminists are right and male activists just perpetuate violence. Or maybe some people are more interested in fighting than building progressive movements. Either way, activists remain an isolated laughing stock when we behave like this.

Does anyone know how the OutRage! / gay muslim vigil went and the response it gained?



Independent Left


17.03.2005 08:27

ironically Mr Saeed would probally be ignored at best or insulted at worst in most mainstream gay clubs and bars in london where racism is accepted and nothing is done about it.

Maybe the scene should be sorted out first?



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