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MP Accountability: David Lepper, Brighton Pavilion

T | 27.02.2005 16:55 | Analysis | Globalisation | Social Struggles | London | South Coast

Below details the facts of David Lepper's performance as my MP. Go to research your MP and name & shame. With the General Election looming, publishing their actual (and most probably poor) record could have a real impact. Hold 'Em To Account!!

As a constituent of Brighton Pavilion, I find my Labour MP David Lepper to have done some very good stuff, however, this does not mean he has been representative to an extent which I would find acceptable over all.

This is by no means an exhaustive review but it shows what you can find with just an hour or so's research. A much better insight than reading their empty and petty rhetoric in your local rag.

These are the facts about David Lepper and how he has actually represented Brighton Pavilion, (accompanied by my humble opinion).


Parliamentary Votes:

David Lepper's voting record is a mixed bag. 91.2% of the time he follows the Labour Whip and basically does as he is told. However amongst his rebellions are some very significant votes which he would have been under considerable pressure to fall in line with, but in which he has decided to actually represent his constituents concerns.

Primarily I am thinking of the decision to invade Iraq. For the main Parliamentary votes for the Iraq war, Mr Lepper voted against the war on 26/02/03 and 18/03/03. He had even voted for the Lib Dem amendment limiting the justification for war without UN sanction on 25/11/02. This is significant for a Labour MP, as no doubt party politically it wouldn't have made his New Labour bosses very happy. Looking at positive voting records, he also voted in favour of a Ban on Hunting on 15/09/04 and abstained from the vote on Tuition Fees on 27/01/04.

However, he has also voted many times in an unrepresentative way. He voted for the creeping privatisation of Hospitals by voting in favour of Foundation Hospitals on 19/11/03, which passed with just 17 votes.

He voted for 'Anti-Terrorism' legislation giving the government the right to detain foreigners without trial on 21/11/01. He also seems to be in favour of ID cards, for the vote on 20/12/04 the Guardian has him as a no vote and PublicWhip has him as voting in favour. For someone with some resolve in opposing the Iraq War, showing that he can obviously see through the New Labour spin, it is odd that he doesn't see through the spun reasons for ID Cards. He also voted against Freedom of Information legislation.

Written Parliamentary Questions:

With regard to Iraq, Mr Lepper was not in favour of the war but what has he done to attempt to hold those responsible to account? Blair lied to Parliament, all the reasons given for the war were simply spin and the results have been horrendous. What searching questions has he made then? None - Very disappointing!

He has however, asked some good questions. Particularly with regard to environmental issues, for example:

"To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what waste reduction targets have been set for the UK by European directives and regulations; what penalties could be incurred for failure to meet those targets; and what assessment has been made of the contribution of a reduction in the numbers of disposable nappies being sent to landfill to achieving those targets." (06/05/2004)

"To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what research her Department has commissioned on the potential impact on household waste volumes of introducing charges based upon the volume or weight of domestic waste produced by each household, with particular reference to disposable nappy volumes; and if she will make a statement." (06/05/2004)

Mr Lepper has partaken in some debate and asked a few good questions in relation to environmental issues, which press the Government to take action. Okay so he seems a little pre-occupied with disposable nappies but these are good questions and the issue of nappies is valid all the same.

Early Day Motions Signed:

David Lepper has also signed quite a few decent Early Day Motions which reflect the views of his electorate. These relate to the Environment, Human Rights, Animal Rights and Fair Trade. Click on the the link above for a full list.

Some of the EDMs signed are particularly good, for example:

EDM 360 US Government & Climate Change - That this House believes that the planet cannot afford another four years of inaction and denial from the US Administration; and calls on the Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary to do everything possible to get President Bush to accept the need to take climate change seriously and ensure the US plays its part internationally in reducing greenhouse gas emissions

EDM 175 Accountability of parties to the Iraqi Conflict to International Humanitarian Law -

That this House reiterates the reminder of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) following the fighting in Fallujah, that complying with international humanitarian law in Iraq is an obligation and not an option; endorses the ICRC view that killing of non-combatants or those no longer fighting, torture of non-combatants and combatants and the taking of hostages whether Iraqi or foreign, are all prohibited for all parties to the conflict and under any circumstances; recognises that adequate medical care for the wounded, either friend or foe, must be provided and that there is a duty to help civilians caught up in fighting to obtain the basic food, water and health care; and reminds all parties to the Iraqi conflict that violation of these and other tenets of international humanitarian law must lead to those responsible being held accountable.

EDM 2 Make Poverty History in 2005 Campaign - Calling for action aimed at trade justice, dropping the debt and providing more and better aid to make poverty history in 2005.

However, there are some very valid and powerfully worded Early Day Motions which Mr Lepper has not signed, these include:

EDM 664 US Foreign Policy - Criticising the US for supporting terrorists whilst making unsubstantiated attacks upon Iran for supposed terrorist links.

EDM 652 Interests of All Party Parliamentary Groups - Calls for all financial and other support for all party parliamentary groups to be declared, following news of a pharmaceutical company paying £100,000 through lobbyists to influence them.

EDM 406 Genetically-Modified Organisms - Concern regarding pressure from the US and biotech companies to open up European markets to GM products.

EDM 362 Tax Avoidance - Call for clamp down on artificial tax avoidance schemes including offshore tax avoidance loop holes that enable millionaires and big business to avoid valid UK tax.

To conclude, looking at the facts, i.e. Mr Lepper's voting records, parliamentary questions and EDMs signed. I conclude that David Lepper's performance as my MP, when compared against other MPs, is okay. His outspoken support for environmental issues and voting against the Iraq War stand him in good stead. However, the rest of his voting record is poor, supporting attacks on our civil liberties and privatisation by the back door of essential public services is not what I would expect from my Labour MP. He has also been silent regarding the Iraq War rather than very noisy as I would have hoped.

If David Lepper is your MP contact him regarding issues which affect you and your community. Follow the links at to explore what David Lepper has done in your name and for his contact details.

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Good attempt at Accountability

27.02.2005 17:17

Good to see another MP review via
I'm in the process of reviewing mine to be posted there, it needs more reviews done though to have an impact. Accountability is the most important thing in representative democracy and this is a good attempt at achieving that. Representative democracy isn't perfect by a long way but it's what we've got for the forseeable future so we should try and retake control of it so it's represents us rather than big business.

If enough of us name & shame our MPs based on their factual record in parliament we could have a real impact, especially with the General Election looming.

Read Chomsky

Voting Info

26.03.2005 11:46 for more info on David Lepper's credentials.



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