Many of the green area sites will be bulldozed over to make way for a bloody stadium while many of the residents including several gypsie traveller sites will be evicted so that they can build housing for the fucking snobs while many of the working class residents will end up dumped elsewhere, yet some simple minded residents living in the London Borough of Newham like those three or four individuals ripping up the leaflets shouting out that they wanted the bid because there will be better housing for all, you fools if you actually had brains you'd be dangerous, how many times have the working classes been fucked over by the rich and their enforcers "The Police?"
Paris is a much better place to hold the games, its city would make a mockery of London on how clean its streets are, our streets are always full of litter and those dumping unwanted furniture and other rubbish they can't be botherd to call up the council to remove.
East London really is a shithole, yet all last week before the Olympic Committee arrived, there they were cleaning and clearing up all around Stratford Station, yet these same people don't bother to do it all year round, then there are the fucking drug dealing scum plying their evil trade all around the Stratford Station area and outside by the buses, there are many street robberies constantly happening by the bus stands and shopping centre and on Saturday they had set up a small ice skating rink where those wishing to use had to pay between £7.00 and £10.00 for half an hours skating, so at least some wanker is going to profit out of Saturday and it won't be those residents who think the bid in London will bring them all they desire.
Did last years Olympics do the working class greeks any favours? Course not, all those who were homeless were forced out of the city and hidden and now they are back on the streets of Athens.
It will be all of us the residents in the three host boroughs "Hackney, Newham and Tower Hamlets" who'll have our council tax increased to pay for these shit games in London.
What's really amusing is the fact that we have advertised all over Stratford Station "London, Back the Bid" and knowing that the Olympics is linked to sport and the million times over the intercom on Stratford station they announce that there is no smoking permitted anywhere on Stratford station including the Silverlink, yet many passengers can't be botherd to listen or to abide by the rules on smoking on Stratford station, so why should London be allowed to host the Olympics 2012?
The Olympic games is all about fitness, health and sport so no smokers need apply and that ladies and gentlemen is why I personally am supporting the Paris bid and also because I think Seb Coe is a 24 hour 7 days a week 5 knuckle shuffler (A WANKER)
Hide the following 17 comments
yet another athlete high on drugs
20.02.2005 10:43
"Stuff London - Back Paris instead!"
Another Frenchman
http://paris 2012 site
This is what'll happen to all those living in the way of the new stadium.
20.02.2005 10:51
"Stuff London - Back Paris instead."
David Genola - a Frenchman
Paris is a much better city to hold the games in.
20.02.2005 11:50
"Stuff London - Back Paris instead!"
Come on you Frenchies!
20.02.2005 11:53
"Stuff London - Back Paris instead!"
A supporter of the Paris 2012 Bid
Vive le France "Big up Paris 2012"
20.02.2005 13:10
"Stuff London - Back Paris instead!"
Against the London Bid
20.02.2005 13:37
"Stuff London - Back Paris instead!"
My french team mate are with me, London is rubbish, the place is full of it which is why when I'm not playing footie here' I'm off on the Eurostar back to France and to the great city of Paris "va va voom."
The best games ever will be in Paris, we are of course also the greatest lovers and our city make London look like an old refuse tip.
T. Henry (Arsenal and France International)
http://Paris 2012
Va Va Voom - The Greatest Striker in the World Thierry Henry
20.02.2005 13:59
"Stuff London - Back Paris instead!"
Philip la Rouge
http://Paris 2012
20.02.2005 16:21
- -
No London, No Paris, No olympic games of greed
20.02.2005 16:31
Seb Coe is shitting himself..........ha ha ha ha ha ha
20.02.2005 17:34
"Stuff London - Back Paris instead!"
The I.O.C. are worried that if they now take the backhander they've been offered, that they'll cause rioting in the streets of London which we haven't since the days of the Poll Tax rioting in Whitehall.
If families and travellers are forced out from where they now reside then there shall be rioting in the streets and we should all consider that it is these fucking rich tossers like Lord fucking Coe and his fucking cronies who'll force those people out from where they live to build a fucking Olympics Stadium.
Fuck Coe and his shower of shite London Bid Committee and lets all support the Paris bid and should they get it then lets all jump on a French Ferry and party in Deppe?
Nasty Nick
Seb Coe's a five knuckle shuffler
20.02.2005 17:54
"Stuff London - Back Paris instead!"
Jack C.
Look at this wanker then? Comments Please?
20.02.2005 18:00
"Stuff London - Back Paris instead!"
John Paul
Here's another wanker to make comments about?
20.02.2005 18:04
"Stuff London - Back Paris instead!"
G. Brown
people get real
21.02.2005 10:30
a sevice sector for the yups colonising docklands and other parts of e. cleansing, destruction of the enviroment,more intensive security on the remaining populace
,gentrification and so on will result if the bid is successful the issue is as important as the m11 a few years ago.a lot of local people are in favour of the bid or are sitting on the fence.anybody with suggestions around what campaigners need to do next?
James Wilmott Brown to make a comeback in Eastenders
23.02.2005 13:15
"Stuff London - Back Paris instead!"
Sir Ian Blair (Retired)
Sir Ian Blair
At least the cops had hot cups of tea last Saturday
23.02.2005 13:31
"Stuff London - Back Paris instead!"
PC HT364
Been there..didn't buy the t-shirt....
17.12.2005 22:36
Those wanting to escape the 'bread and circusses for the masses' left town - if they could afford to, or had no commitments. Those who had to stay encountered idiots chanting "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, oy oy oy" if we ventured out, or turned on the telev.
Anyone who watched the Games saw athletes garbed out in uniforms produced by sweatshop labour. Organisers blocked any leaks about the suppliers' supply chains so as not to spoil the fun (er...profits).
Who were the ultimate winners? Certainly not the mug taxpayers, who funded billions of hard earned dollars to line the pockets of corporate vampires.
Don't believe the lies about the economic benefits of holding the Games. Resist at all costs.
Here are a couple of useful links:
Jackie, Sydney, Australia