Join the EIE 12th March 200
We are fed up propping up the UK economy.
End all Estate agent self regulation.
Ban buy to let mortgages under £300k. Stop BTL.
Derilict 14 mths = govt buy @ 40% market value.
Stamp duty only on £300k + dwellings.
Right to buy council property stopped NOW.
Demand councils build more stock NOW.
No to 50% HA purchase traps. Ball & Chain. No way.
Join the EIE 12th March 2005
Euston rail station 12pm - Downing St 3pm.
`Noisy but peaceful and good natured walk.
No organisation - just turn up and amble to downing st.
Placards welcome. Whistles. Dogs. Kids. Picnics.
We are fed up propping up the UK economy.
End all Estate agent self regulation.
Ban buy to let mortgages under £300k. Stop BTL.
Derilict 14 mths = govt buy @ 40% market value.
Stamp duty only on £300k + dwellings.
Right to buy council property stopped NOW.
Demand councils build more stock NOW.
No to 50% HA purchase traps. Ball & Chain. No way.
Why should we carry your out of control credit can ?
Why should be pay 5 times more than our neighbours ?
We want reductions or matching wage rises or tax breaks ?
We want room for family life to grow - not bedsits for 40hr work weeks.
If enough people join and send me emails i will notify the police
and the council of our intentions and march times dates so it
can be properly policed for a safe and civil environment for all.
**Note if i dont get at least 1000 emails you can forget it.
I'll post the totals here every day until march 10th.

(EIE) Enough Is Enough