Anti-Capitalism / Radical Arts / Free Space
To contribute: phone 07913 518804 or email

>From 3pm: ‘Operation Solstice’ (docu film about so-called Battle of
>theBeanfield – police attack travellers 1985); ‘World Traveller
>Adventures’ (docu film on travelling sound systems: Spiral Tribe,
>Desert Storm, Sound Conspiracy, Tomahawk, IOT) + discussion on free
>parties; ‘Life in the Fast Lane’ (docu film about resistance to M11
>Link Rd, London) + discussion/Q&A
>Evening: Music with: L.S. Diezel (original London squat crew –
>electro/hiphop) + CrowZone (2000 DS / S.C.R.A.P recs) with Crystal
>Distortion (Network 23) + Crystal Distortion (liveset)
>Sat 12th:
>3pm: Free space, social centres - building community - discussion
>5pm: Introduction to direct action - presentation & discusssion
>Harpcore (time tbc)
>Evening: Music with: Apocrophe & Main Rock Records artists (hiphop)
>Sun 13th:
>2pm: Introduction to sculpture techniques (1) - presentation (part
>2 Sat 19th 2pm)
>4pm: Introduction to nature based design (permaculture) - slide
>show & discussion
>8pm: Joshua Grindon Ford, the most terrible magician in the world
>Mon 14th:
>3pm: Tree protest sites - discussion + knots & ropes practical
>Tues 15th:
>7.30 pm ‘Injustice’ (docu film about campaign against deaths in
>police custody – police tried to ban it) + Q&A with film-maker
>Weds 16th:
>5.30 - 7pm: Solidarity South Pacific - films & talk - tbc
>7pm: Talk/Q&A with Mark Barnsley (Campaign Against Prison Slavery -
>CAPS) inc films ‘Insecurity’ + ‘Part Time Prisoner’
>Spoken word/acoustic music - tbc
>Thurs 17th:
>5pm: Saville Throw - Hang the Suits
>7pm: Guerrilla Gardening - presentation & discussion
>8pm: Food Not Bombs mobile kitchens - discussion
>Fri 18th:
>Films/daytime tbc
>10pm: Noise R Us: hard kickz & breakz with Kovert, Barry von
>Weedhausen, Ely Muff + Tantrum, Split, Ed Fuk, fzv, Minaximal, At
>War, Snotmonster, T Braykz, terra audio, Not Me, Jessi James.
>Sat 19th:
>1.30pm: Introduction to Linux & non Windows operating systems for
>2pm Introduction to scupture techniques (2) - metal casting
>2-5pm: PC clinic (Windows based systems)
>3pm: Direct action techniques - presentation & discussion
>4pm: Free movement, Refugees, Deportation & Social Exclusion -
>presentation & discussion
>Evening: Ska punk dub avinit resistance sounds with Inner
>Terrestrials + Headjam
>Sun 20th: tbc
>Kaos Kaff - food for donation every evening
>'Free Movement' exhibition & 'Saville Throw: Hang the Suits'
>Days to be confirmed: Introduction to 12v sound systems/appropriate
>technology; Climate Change & corporate business; Animal rights;
>Direct action - legal issues; Squatting - how to; Academy 23; The
>music of Sun Ra & tone therapy; Plus lots of films throughout; amd
>Venue to be announced, call 07811 558309 on the day
>To contribute: phone 07913 518804 or email

>Program will appear on soon (ta).