Action Planning Meeting: from 2pm Sat 19th February, at RampART, 15-17 Rampart St, E1.
Lead-up action on 17th March for the International Day of Action against the War on Terror on 19th March.
Contact or call 07810 867476
Who Are Windrush?
Windrush Communications are the British company responsible for organising the Iraq Procurement Conferences. These regular events gather together multinational corporations and the US puppets that represent occupied Iraq, to "realise the enormous trade and investment potential of Iraq". That is, to plan and discuss the sell-off of Iraq's assets, properties and and resources, all in contravention of international law (Hague Regulations of 1907 and Geneva Conventions 1949).
What are Iraq Procurement conferences?
Iraq Procurement conferences are sponsored by arms dealers, mercenaries and oil giants such as Erinys, Raytheon, Shell, Chevron and Bayer who meet to discuss the future of Iraqi agriculture and irrigation, finance and banking, infrastructure and construction, tourism, education, industry, oil and gas and transport."
Why must we act?
These actions aim to show the link between the physical violence being waged against the Iraqi people and the economic violence being wreaked on their lives and on the living standards of generations to come. The illegal restructuring of Iraq's public assets is the desired product of our government's War in Iraq. Now that the murderous Saddam has gone, the war is still continuing to alter Iraqi society to benefit corporate interests.
What has happened to date?
Twice last year, Windrush decided not to charge or drop charges against activists who had been arrested for Aggravated trespass (once at the London Iraq Procurement Conference, and once at the Windrush offices) Naomi Klein was due to testify for the defence at a trial that Windrush abandoned, and told a press conference that occupying countries are bound by what she termed the "house-sitters'" rule, "house-sitters, i.e. the occupiers are allowed to eat the food in the fridge but are not entitled to sell the house and its contents and turn it into condominiums."
How do I get involved?
Attend a workshop on 12th February at St. George's Theatre, 49 Tufnell Park Road. See for details or e-mail
Come to the Open Planning Meeting on Sat 19th February, from 2pm at RampART, 15-17 Rampart St, E1. E-mail: