for more info contact

holding noise demonstrations outside EDO Tech at 4pm on Thursdays –
February 3rd, February10th, February17th, February24th Bring pots and
pans. EDO is on the Home farm industrial Estate just off the Lewes Road.
Meet at the Lewes road entrance to Home Farm Road.
Contact the campaign on 0789 1405923.
Friday Febuary 11th – No EDO Night
Sussex University, East Slope Bar
Fundraiser against EDO/MBM including Sons of the Tribe (live hip hop)
Free Entry, From 8pm
Saturday 12th February
Smash Edo and Brighton Quaker Meeting Campaign Day from 12 noon
Friends' Meeting House Ship Street Brighton
4pm March to Churchill Square
Brighton Quaker Meeting and Smash Edo are working together to end arms
manufacture in the town. EDO is a group of non-violent peace activists
who will use civil disobedience to challenge the activities of EDO MBM
Brighton Quakers are upholding their 350 year old testimony of peace.
The aim is to build a concensus across the city against arms factories
here or anywhere else.
Please support this event – there will be a variety of activities:
*Workshops *Information Stalls *Letter Writing *Banner Making *Cafe.EDO/MBM are a Brighton arms co whose equipment is funneled to Israel
Tuesday 15th February.
There will be a silent vigil for people of any or no faith outside the EDO Moulscoomb factory gates from 4 – 6pm.
This is part of the Smash EDO and Quaker campaign.

March 23rd - Smash EDO Fundraiser - Cabaret Night
Prince Albert, Trafalgar Street, Brighton, 7.30pm
Featuring Nimomashtic