The motion says that 'paperless workers are the invisible engine-room of twilight London. No Londoner can easily escape involvement in this exploitation. Paperless workers serve us meals in restaurants, clean our hospitals, our hotels, streets and tube stations, produce the sandwiches and snacks we have for lunch, and many of the clothes, CDs and consumer goods we buy in West End shops.'
The motion goes on to say that no worker should be classed as 'illegal' as 'all workers have a right to put a roof over their head and food on their table.'
It will now be up to delegates from London UNISON branches at the Regional Council Annual Meeting on 2 February to decide whether to agree that this motion should go forward from the London Region to the UNISON National Conference. UNISON United Left supporters will argue strongly that this must be a priority for our union.
As socialists, we believe that the trade union movement must organise and represent the interests of all workers, and that this certainly includes the migrant workers who are among the most exploited and oppressed of our colleagues.
As long as the economy depends upon the underpaid labour of 'illegal' workers who don't dare to fight for their rights for fear of deportation, then employers will take advantage of the opportunity to undercut wages and conditions.
The only solution which is in the interests of working people is the solution supported by UNISON’s London Regional Committee – an amnesty for so-called 'illegal' workers, backed up by an organising drive to bring migrant workers, including 'illegal' workers, into the trade union movement.
United Left supporters from outside London will be able to discuss how to pursue this policy in the union’s other regions at Saturday’s national meeting.
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No One Is Illegal
13.01.2005 16:22
Would be well worth photo copying for the Unison meetings...
PS Nice to see you here Jon :-)
another reason why
14.01.2005 00:00
Don't get me wrong, I support the rights of British workers, but I don't support union subs being wasted on irrelevant campaigns, and neither do I support the unions supporting the undermining British jobs, wages and working conditions by condoning the use of cheap illegal workers.
If they really genuinely stood for the rights of British workers they would campaign against the use of cheap imported labour, whether legal or illegal. Even if they became legal they are still undermining wages as they are prepared to live in worse conditions than British people are.
Workers have no country
14.01.2005 13:06
Countries and states are invented to repress and divide and rule.