Currently the war is going on in some far away place so normal folk here can just ignore it, what we need is another big demonstration just for awareness sake, but its winter close to Christmas so it will have to wait, this is not the Ukraine this is England land of the free to be led, a small country enough said.
This time though we should demonstrate against the occupation not against the war, because there is no war, it’s a myth.
You see a war can only be declared between two nations, am I right? no ones at war with Iraq; therefore we are not at war with any nation except civilians, civil disobedience and Patriots.
We are in a state of moral conflict , while we assist in an illegal occupation and see installed a none representational government to perform as an optical illusion of freedom while fake elections take place.
No wonder we call it a war, you try to say that lot really quickly. War is simple to under stand as a clear concept, your either with us or you are supporting terrorist, you're either a tall person or youre a midget, no middle ground. Remember when they said we never attacked another nation? Remember when we had a defense force? Ah how things have changed. But it gets worse.
Now I’m going to go out on a limb here, I’ve heard told, (mentioned fleetingly in Western press) that the current puppet interim government in Iraq is run by the same Iraqi/Americans who were imported as part of the coalition forces(of the dragged kicking and screaming)
Amongst this mixed bag of Iraqi Rejects were Hundreds of other ex Iraqi dissidents who were also trained by American secret services for covert operations. They are used now to undermine any and all opposition to the American pretences in Iraq.An American Iraqi face in the crowd, useful. (Their first purpose)
The Anglocised Iraqi’s who now inhabit the green zone were the ones responsible for feeding all the WMD information to the west before the war, remember CIA employed Allawi (polite to spell it right) and Chalabi (ptsir) the bank robber who’s presiding over the War Crimes Kangaroo Court.
This is a big deal now because these guys were paid for setting up Saddam and are now rewarded for creating the lie that began the 2003 invasion.
From a less than unreliable source I am also informed that 500 individuals have registered to be candidates for the forth coming elections.
if the voters match the enthusiasm for American deceptions there will be a bloodbath awaiting them at the polls.
Last I heard there were 165 individuals or groups standing as candidates but that was last week so there could be a few more by now. Some of course are the loonies, the screaming ninnies and big business have not taken the initiative to groom a helpful representative yet, but America has already displayed that initiative.
As I mentioned the Americans packed a contingent of Anglocized Iraqi’s before the misadventure, they were employed trained and installed, some moving amongst the civilian population as refuges or returning Iraqis after years in exile, they were flown in under cover in their thousands, cashed up and dropped in imbedded in Iraqi civilization to work as spies.
You have heard about them before, they were trained in Poland and we recruited them from across the world before the invasion began.
Ah now you remember, funny how a year out of newsprint and everyone forgets.
During the first months of conflict some of the Anglo Iraqis or Iraqi American infiltrators were killed by western attacks and others were exposed as collaborators and executed, but some, more than enough survived and are now registered as candidates for the forthcoming election, the Democracy has not just been spiked, its been rigged.
In some Democracies it called Branch Stacking, but in Iraq its a national fix.
‘Democracy is as tangible as peace is real; both exist only briefly between battles for power’. SW
So this is what we fight for, sure they will get the vote but we’ve stacked it in our favor, paid for it, organized it, and loaded it, with criminal intention, to intervene and create a puppet regime, under the noses of the world, and by seemingly obeying all the rules of having a fair and open election.
Well done America, land of the free to bullshit frequently. Well done England for being led
Sounds like a conspiracy, but its no theory.
Thankyou for you’re time