The missing sign...anyone would think they didnt want us to know where they are?
Quick call reinforcements, Iraq is being illegally plundered!
This constable is what our US colleagues describe as the 'stress position'.
I am arresting you under section 2b of the 1907 illegal beard act.
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15.12.2004 17:41
The police certainly dont appear to be behaving in a heavy handed or antagonistic manner from the images you posted.
17.12.2004 10:33
After being held for over eight hours and remaining silent during CID conducted interviews at Shoreditch police station all four protestors were released without charge (bailed to return in January).
The decision not to press charges proves again that Windrush are running scared and afraid of negative publicity and the legal consequences of their unlawful activity.
If you would like to pop down to the offices and let them know they are breaking the law why don’t you go and visit them?
Windrush Communications Ltd, The Clergy House, Mark Street, London, EC2A 4ER, UK
(they are on the top floor)
Or give them a call?
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7613 2098,
Clog up their fax machines?
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7613 4804,
Or drop em a friendly email
Are u blind??
17.12.2004 16:18
Not quite sure what you on about here? The Police look totally relaxed. So do the demonstrators even the ones being lifted? The toungue in cheek nature of the captions and the write up surely suggest that nothing remotely oppressive or violent happended?
Cant help feeling you have some issues here Peter, or is that just an agenda?