London Rising Tide is holding a series of free film
nights, with the first film being 'The Corporation'.
All are welcome for the screening, as well as for a
discussion and something to eat afterwards. This will
be a space to learn, debate and share ideas for action
on issues raised by the film, as well as on climate
change itself - probably the greatest threat humanity
has ever faced.
LARC tel: 020 7377 9088.
Nrst Tube Whitechapel or Aldgate East, buses 25, 205.
TIME - 5.30pm.
London Rising Tide takes creative direct action on the
root causes of climate chaos, and promotes socially
just, ecological alternatives to fossil fuel madness.
It is part of the wider Rising Tide UK network, and
seeks to be part of a growing European and worldwide
movement of groups working to dismantle the oil
We have planning meetings most Thursday nights at
LARC. Come along and check things out - even if you
only have an hour a week to spare. Please make contact
before coming along to find out when the next meeting
is happening.

07708 794665
Thanks and see you soon - LRT
Info about the film (taken from

'One hundred and fifty years ago, the corporation was
a relatively insignificant entity. Today, it is a
vivid, dramatic and pervasive presence in all our
lives. Like the Church, the Monarchy and the Communist
Party in other times and places, the corporation is
today's dominant institution. But history humbles
dominant institutions. All have been crushed,
belittled or absorbed into some new order. The
corporation is unlikely to be the first to defy
history. In this complex and highly entertaining
documentary, Mark Achbar, co-director of the
influential and inventive MANUFACTURING CONSENT: NOAM
CHOMSKY AND THE MEDIA, teams up with co-director
Jennifer Abbott and writer Joel Bakan to examine the
far-reaching repercussions of the corporation's
increasing preeminence. Based on Bakan's book The
Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and
Power, the film is a timely, critical inquiry that
invites CEOs, whistle-blowers, brokers, gurus, spies,
players, pawns and pundits on a graphic and engaging
quest to reveal the 4corporation's inner workings,
curious history, controversial impacts and possible
futures. Featuring illuminating interviews with Noam
Chomsky, Michael Moore, Howard Zinn and many others,
THE CORPORATION charts the spectacular rise of an
institution aimed at achieving specific economic goals
as it also recounts victories against this apparently
invincible force.'