So we'll combine the celebration with the need to raise money for new servers and invite everybody to the Fifth Birthday of Insurrection Party after the Anarchist Bookfair: 8pm - 4am, St George's Church, 49 Tufnell Pk Rd, entry by donation. All proceeds to fund new IMC servers. The rampART is offering limited crash space by prior arrangement for people coming to London for the Anarchist Bookfair...
The line-up is:
- Fun-Da-Mental
- Rhythms of Resistance Samba Band
- The Rub (electronic set)
- Penny Rimbaud (Crass)
- The Unpeople
- The Internationalz
- Angel
- Special guest: the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Please come, have fun and support Indymedia. If you like the site then help us getting a new server off the ground. If you can't come, consider setting up a monthly direct debit with what you can afford - see here for IMC-UK's account details. Or donate one-off via the Sheffield Indymedia PayPal account:
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