Award winning journalist and activist Naomi Klein is to speak at a major meeting in London, exposing how American bombs have paved the way for free-market fundamentalism in occupied Iraq.
For the last 18 months Klein’s dispatches from occupied Iraq – and the business conferences where US ideologues and corporations have organising the corporate assault on the country –have been must read material.
£5 Waged/£3 unwaged (bring payment on the day)
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War on Want (

Iraq Occupation Focus (

Jubilee Iraq (

Voices in the Wilderness UK(

THU 11th NOVEMBER London
TONY BENN Talking About Peace on Armistice Day
Thursday 11th November 2004, 7.30pm,
St James Church, 197 Picadilly, Central London.
An evening talk followed by an open discussion. Tickets £8 or £5 concessions. Part of 7 days for Iraq – all proceeds to raise funds for the children of Iraq . Call 020 7278 6694 to reserve your seat. Organised by the Stop the War Coalition (
FRI 12th – MON 22nd NOVEMBER
The Christian Peacemaker Teams – a project of the Brethren, Quaker and Mennonite Churches – have been working on the ground in Iraq since October 2002 and have been focussing on the issue of detainees since June 2003 (see They are currently running an ‘Adopt a Detainee’ campaign, pairing up anti-war and human rights groups with detainees in Iraq.
The co-ordinator of the CPT’s Iraq project, Peggy Gish – who is currently in Iraq where she has spent 11 of the last 18 months in Iraq – will be in Britain from 12–22 November and is eager to speak to groups from around the country, provided they can cover her train fare.
If you are interested in having Peggy come and speak to your group please contact voices in the wilderness uk, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1. tel. 0845 458 2564 (local rate call), e-mail:

SUN 14th NOVEMBER 2004,
4pm, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, 21 New Globe Walk, Bankside, London
For the third year in succession Shakespeare’s Globe will be hosting a special event in the theatre for Remembrance Weekend to commemorate civilian casualties in conflicts past and present, hosted by Mark Rylance, artistic director. The afternoon will include readings and music by Globe actors, musicians and staff as well as a recitation of names of civilians who have perished during conflicts. A commemorative candle will be lit for every name read out and those attending will be able to add the names of people or places that they would like to remember.
Entrance is free but everyone is encouraged to make a donation to either the Royal British Legion or the Peace Pledge Union. To cover the Globe’s expenses, mulled wine, spiced juice and cakes will be on sale.
THU 18th NOVEMBER London
EYEWITNESS IRAQ: Stories of Occupation & Solidarity.
7.30pm, Friends Meeting House, 173-177 Euston Road, London NW1 (nearest tube Euston or Euston Square).
A public meeting with: Peggy Gish (Iraq co-ordinator of the Christian Peacemaker Teams, recently returned from Iraq); Jo Wilding (activist, in Fallujah during the US assault on the city in April); Philip Pritchard (activist currently awaiting trial for pre-invasion disarmament action at USAF Fairford). Event organised by Christian Peacemaker Teams UK, Quaker Peace and Social Witness & Voices in the Wilderness UK. For more information contact Voices on 0207 837 0561,

TUE 23rd – WED 24th NOVEMBER London
Trial of two anti-war activists charged with ‘aggravated trespass’ at the Shell-sponsored business conference ‘Iraq Procurement 2004: meet the buyers’. Postponed from July. 10am, Highbury Magistrates Court. Supporters welcome. Contact

more info:

December 2004
11am-5pm, University of London Union, Malet Street, London
- organised by Iraq Occupation Focus. Speakers will include Christian Parenti (author of the forthcoming book The Freedom: Shadows and Hallucinations in Occupied Iraq; see his latest despatch from Iraq in The Nation); Lou Plummer from US Military Families Speak Out (; Michael Hoffman from Iraq Veterans Against the War (; Haifa Zangana; Tim Gopsill (NUJ); Dr. Kamal Mahdi; Bridges to Baghdad; Milan Rai; Ewa Jasiewicz; Jo Wilding; Justin Alexander (Jubilee Iraq); Mike Marqusee; plus special guests from Iraq.