November 7, 2004
How strange that no one in the mainstream US media appears willing to think through and then write about what the USA would look like if the US had been invaded (regardless of character of the previous government in power) by an alien power who were behaving just like the Americans have been behaving in Iraq, that is, kicking in doors of sleeping families in the middle of the night, throwing everything out of drawers onto the floor, arresting tens of thousands of civilians, dismissing hundreds of thousands of civil servants, shooting in all directions when attacked, shooting at every vehicle that is moving when feeling threatened, torturing and killing prisoners, arresting and incarcerating thousands most of whom will never be charged with anything, bombing cities in the middle of the night, appointing a czar to run the place and then replacing the czar with ! a puppet government, handing over reconstruction to foreign dominated companies linked closely to the alien government ..... (even though I suppose a few public buildings were left undestroyed for later ‘election’ purposes).
Would not every red blooded American man and woman not be out there gunning for the alien troops, proudly, in what they would see as fierce American independence? Would they not call themselves patriots?
So Why then is it necessary to invent concepts like Saddam's surrogates or such like to explain what is going on in Iraq? The fact is that the US is killing directly or indirectly tens of thousands of Iraqis in Iraq, mostly civilians (through 'precision' bombing for example). Fact is guys – the Iraqis don’t much like it!
Given that the interim Iraqi government has essentially been imported from abroad (having missed the Saddam years as conveniently as Bush missed the Vietnam war) the regime must be classified as highly flawed if not completely illegitimate. It is not therefore appropriate for the Western media to talk of ‘rebels’. Maybe Western reporters should recall the French Resistance to Nazi Occupation or remember the international volunteers who flocked to Spain to fight the Fascist Franco.
Of course this all suits Bush very well – America now has so many enemies it probably does need the ‘strong’ leader he pretends to be. He has created the job for himself! With a wise leader, of course, this horrendous nightmare would never have happened!
Let us wish for peace and harmony between all nations. At the moment it seems the more people you kill the more votes you get!

Today's CCNWON Headlines:

7 November 2004
Call to kill terrorists 'in the name of the Lord' sparks outcry, Blair impeachment bid moves on, Falluja Assult Has Begun & More
± Sunday, 7 November 2004 03:23 PM
The Mirror: Maxwell Murdered by Mossad, By putting Bush back in charge the US has abandoned freedom and equality & more
± Sunday, 7 November 2004 01:50 PM
The more people you kill the more votes you get!
± Sunday, 7 November 2004 12:11 PM :: Comments/Trackback (6-0)
Arma-geddon Sick of You: World to U.S. as Americans prepare to level Fallujah, Motion to impeach Blair accuses him of "gross misconduct" & more
± Sunday, 7 November 2004 10:23 AM
America is Now in a Rubber Room, Straightjacket Next?
± Sunday, 7 November 2004 09:26 AM :: Comments/Trackback (1-0)
Iraqi Interim Government Declares Martial Law as Insurgency Flares, Election Theft Bombshell & More
± Sunday, 7 November 2004 09:13 AM
The Empire Is Doomed To Vanish And Disintegrate
± Sunday, 7 November 2004 08:38 AM :: Comments/Trackback (1-0)

